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What’s Superman Character?
Superman Character
In the original Siegel and Shuster stories, Superman’s personality is rough and aggressive. The character was seen stepping in to stop wife beaters, profiteers, a lynch mob and gangsters, with rather rough edges and a looser moral code than audiences may be used to today. Later writers have softened the character, and instilled a sense of idealism and moral code of conduct. Although not as cold-blooded as the early Batman, the Superman featured in the comics of the 1930s is unconcerned about the harm his strength may cause, tossing villainous characters in such a manner that fatalities would presumably occur, although these were seldom shown explicitly on the page. This came to an end late in 1940, when new editor Whitney Ellsworth instituted a code of conduct for his characters to follow, banning Superman from ever killing.
In Superman/Batman #3, Batman thinks, “It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then…he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him.”What are Superman’s Powers?
What are Superman’s Powers?
As an influential archetype of the superhero genre, Superman possesses extraordinary powers, with the character traditionally described as “faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound”, a phrase coined by Jay Morton and first used in the Superman radio serials and Max Fleischer animated shorts of the 1940s as well as the TV series of the 1950s. For most of his existence, Superman’s famous arsenal of powers include flight, super-strength, invulnerability to non-magical attacks of ordinary force, super-speed, vision powers (including x-ray, heat, telescopic, infra-red, and microscopic vision), super-hearing, and super-breath, which enables him to freeze objects by blowing on them, as well as exert the propulsive force of high-speed winds.
As originally conceived and presented in his early stories, Superman’s powers were relatively limited, consisting of superhuman strength that allowed him to lift a car over his head, run at amazing speeds and leap one-eighth of a mile, as well as incredibly tough skin that could be pierced by nothing less than an exploding artillery shell. Siegel and Shuster compared his strength and leaping abilities to an ant and a grasshopper. When making the cartoons, the Fleischer Brothers found it difficult to keep animating him leaping and requested to DC to change his ability to flying. Writers gradually increased his powers to larger extents during the Silver Age, in which Superman could fly to other worlds and galaxies and even across universes with relative ease. He would often fly across the solar system to stop meteors from hitting the Earth, or sometimes just to clear his head. Writers found it increasingly difficult to write Superman stories in which the character was believably challenged, so DC Comics made a series of attempts to rein the character in. The most significant attempt, John Byrne’s 1986 rewrite, established several hard limits on his abilities: He barely survives a nuclear blast, and his space flights are limited by how long he can hold his breath. Superman’s power levels have again increased since then, with Superman currently possessing enough strength to hurl a mountain, withstand nuclear blasts with ease, and survive in the vacuum of outer space without oxygen.The source of Superman’s powers has changed subtly over the course of his history. It was originally stated that Superman’s abilities derived from his Kryptonian heritage, which made him eons more evolved than humans. This was soon amended, with the source for the powers now based upon the establishment of Krypton’s gravity as having been stronger than that of the Earth. This situation mirrors that of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter. As Superman’s powers increased, the implication that all Kryptonians had possessed the same abilities became problematic for writers, making it doubtful that a race of such beings could have been wiped out by something as trifling as an exploding planet. In part to counter this, the Superman writers established that Kryptonians, whose native star Rao had been red, only possessed superpowers under the light of a yellow sun. More recent stories have attempted to find a balance between the two explanations.
Superman is most vulnerable to Kryptonite, mineral debris from Krypton transformed into radioactive material by the forces that destroyed the planet. Exposure to Kryptonite radiation nullifies Superman’s powers and immobilizes him with pain; prolonged exposure will eventually kill him. The only mineral on Earth that can protect him from Kryptonite is lead, which blocks the radiation. Lead is also the only known substance that Superman cannot see through with his x-ray vision. Kryptonite was first introduced to the public in 1943 as a plot device to allow the radio serial voice actor, Bud Collyer, to take some time off. Green Kryptonite is the most commonly seen form but writers introduced other forms over the years, such as red, gold, blue and black, each with its own effect
What’s superman’s publication history?
Superman Comics
Superman’s first appearance was in Action Comics #1, in 1938. In 1939, a self-titled series was launched. The first issue mainly reprinted adventures published in Action Comics, but despite this the book achieved greater sales. 1939 also saw the publication of New York World’s Fair Comics, which by Summer of 1942 became World’s Finest Comics. With issue #7 of All Star Comics, Superman made the first of a number of infrequent appearances, on this occasion appearing in cameo to establish his honorary membership of the Justice Society of America.
Initially Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster would provide the story and art for all the strips published. However, Shuster’s eyesight began to deteriorate, and the increasing appearances of the character saw an increase in the workload. This led Shuster to establish a studio to assist in the production of the art, although he insisted on drawing the face of every Superman the studio produced. Outside the studio, Jack Burnley began supplying covers and stories in 1940. Wayne Boring, initially employed in Shuster’s studio, began working for DC in his own right in 1942 providing pages for both Superman and Action Comics.The scripting duties also became shared. In late 1939 a new editorial team assumed control of the character’s adventures. Whitney Ellsworth, Mort Weisinger and Jack Schiff were brought in following Vin Sullivan’s departure. This new editorial team brought in Edmond Hamilton, Manly Wade Wellman, and Alfred Bester, established writers of science fiction.
By 1943, Jerry Siegel was drafted into the army in a special celebration, and his duties there saw high contributions drop. Don Cameron and Alvin Schwartz joined the writing team, Schwartz teaming up with Wayne Boring to work on the Superman comic strip which had been launched by Siegel and Shuster in 1939.Superman was relaunched by writer & artist John Byrne, initially in the limited series The Man of Steel (1986). 1986 also saw the cancellation of World’s Finest Comics, and the Superman title renamed The Adventures of Superman. A second volume of Superman was launched in 1987, running until cancellation in 2006. This cancellation saw The Adventures of Superman revert back to the Superman title. Superman: The Man of Steel was launched in 1991, running until 2003, whilst the quarterly book Superman: The Man of Tomorrow ran from 1995 to 1999. In 2003 Superman/Batman launched, as well as the Superman: Birthright limited series, with All Star Superman launched in 2005 and Superman Confidential in 2006.
What’s Superman Toy’s history?
Superman Toy
Superman is a fictional character and comic book superhero, originally superman was created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian artist Joe Shuster and published by DC Comics. Superman was created in 1932, and rejected by a number of publishers, the character first appeared in Action Comics#1 (June 1938). With a premise that taps into adolescent fantasy, Superman is born Kal-El on the alien planet Krypton, before being rocketed to Earth as an infant by his scientist father moments before the planet’s destruction. Adopted and raised by a Kansas farmer and his wife, superman is raised as Clark Kent, and imbued with a strong moral compass. Upon reaching maturity the character develops superhuman abilities,resolving to use these for the benefit of humanity. With the success of his adventures, Superman helped to create the superhero genre and establish its primacy within the American comic book. Superman is widely considered to be both one of the most famous and popular comic book superheroes of all time, and an American cultural icon.
Whilst referred to less flatteringly as “the big blue Boy Scout” by some of his fellow superheroes, Superman is hailed as “The Man of Steel,” “The Man of Tomorrow,” and “The Last Son of Krypton,” by the general public within the comics. As Clark Kent, Superman lives among humans as a “mild-mannered reporter” for the Metropolis newspaper The Daily Planet (the Daily Star in original stories). Here he works alongside reporter Lois Lane, with whom he is romantically linked. This relationship has been consummated by marriage on numerous occasions across varying media, and the union is now firmly established within the current mainstream comics continuity.
The character’s cast, powers, and trappings have slowly expanded throughout the years. Superman’s backstory was altered to allow for adventures as Superboy, and other survivors of Krypton were discovered, including Supergirl and Krypto the Superdog. In addition, Superman has been licensed and adapted into a variety of media, from radio to television and film. The motion picture Superman Returns was released in 2006, with a performance at the international box office which exceeded expectations. The character has been revamped and updated, most recently in 1986. John Byrne recreated the character, reducing Superman’s powers and erasing several characters from the canon in a move which attracted media attention. Press coverage was again garnered in the 1990s with the Death of Superman, a storyline which saw the character briefly killed.Superman has also held fascination for scholars, with cultural theorists, commentators, and critics alike exploring the character’s impact and role in America and the wider world. Umberto Eco discussed the mythic qualities of the Superman character in the early 1960s, and Larry Niven has pondered the implications of a sexual relationship the superman character might enjoy with Lois Lane. The character’s ownership has often been the subject of dispute, with Siegel and Shuster twice suing for the return of superman legal ownership. The copyright is again currently in dispute, with changes in copyright law allowing Siegel’s wife and daughter to claim a share of the copyright, a move DC parent company Warner Bros. disputes.
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Superman Costume
A Superman Costume is an outfit that both kids and grown men can appreciate. If you are searching around for a perfect outfit for your child or for yourself, then you need not look anymore. We offer Superman outfits for men and boys as well as Supergirl costumes for girls and women. We also genuinely believe that combining a Superman Costume and a Supergirl Costume in a duo or couples outfit would make for a great outing.
Halloween is coming soon and who better to be than a super hero? We provide you with a state of the art Superman Costume in many different styles. We also guarantee the lowest prices anywhere. Please check out all of the options we have to offer and be sure to read our many articles on Superman. You surely will learn some information you may not have known!
Our Superman Costume and Supergirl Costume collection
As we said in the beginning we offer outfits for boys, men, girls, women, and everyone in between. Let us start out by discussing our Superman Costume collection for the guys. We offer costumes for Superman in six different adult styles. There are deluxe outfits, ones with muscle chests, and much more. Browse the entire adult selection to find the go to Superman outfit this season. In addition to the adults we also have six different kids editions of Superman that mirror their adult counterparts. Perhaps your not up for a Superman Costume, then you may be a perfect fit for a Clark Kent Costume which we also have too!
Moving on from the males, we stumble onto our women’s collection of outfits. First up is the Adult Supergirl Costume selection. Like our Superman Costume selection, we display our two favorite costumes and there is all a link for you to view all the Supergirl outfits. On the same page as the Supergirl adult costumes, we have listed Supergirl outfits for a child, a toddler, and a newborn. Please be sure to browse this selection and use our “View All” link to make sure you do not miss viewing a single possibility.
Superman Costume Accessories too!
In addition to the great outfits, we also offer a number of different accessories. Some of the favorite accessories we offer include wigs, Clark Kent Costume glasses, and a Superman Ring. If you want to wear one of our Superman Costumes and you do not have the hair to support the outfit, then simply buy one of our wigs! Our vinyl wig will be a perfect substitute for any hair you have or do not have that doesn’t match Superman’s.
Besides a Superman wig, you may choose to get a pair of Clark Kent Glasses. Perhaps you want to wear a suite and a tie to a party with the Clark Kent Glasses on and then rip off your clothes and become Superman right in front of the party’s eyes by wearing your Superman Costume underneath! Another great accessory to consider is a Superman Ring. The ring goes perfect with any costume and even lights up with the push of a button. You can check out all of the Superman Accessories by Clicking Here.
What Super Powers Do You Get With Your Superman Costume?
We are glad you asked! Everyone knows that Superman house powers, but what exactly are all of his powers? Superman is a special person and possesses unfathomable strength and super abilities that no human can dream of having. When you don your Superman Costume you will possess all of his abilities and you need to let all your friends know you do too! Here’s a small list of Superman’s abilities:
–Flight – Superman can fly and when you wear his costume you can imagine you will too!
–Superhuman Strength – Superman has the ability to carry a car, stop a moving train, or even move a planet. You too can possess this strength.
–Heat Vision – Wearing a Superman Costume will allow you to shoot fire from your eyes.
–X-Ray Vision – You will also garner the ability to see through sold objects and to X-Ray people.These are just a few of Superman’s incredible abilities. If you would like to read the full list of Superman’s super powers you can do so by Clicking Here.
Superman Origins and His Place in History
Superman’s origins arise in comics, but have transformed pop culture and history as his aura has grown throughout time. He has been seen in comics, TV, Movies and much more. He has tons of action figures, video games, board games, puzzles, etc. There are Superman bedspreads, pillows, pictures, and more. There is nothing Superman that hasn’t been done in some shape or form. That is why everyone wants to wear a Superman Costume. His popularity is unmatched and surely will not decrease in any month, year, or decade in the near future.
So yes, Superman is huge, but what is his story? Where did he come from? What is his story? Why does he have super powers? Why doesn’t he use his super powers to take advantage of people? He could have anything he ever wanted. These are the questions you need to know the answers to so you can appropriately take over Superman’s persona when you put on this Superman costume for the big Halloween bash or costume party. You want to know the complete Superman story before you wear his outfit. Thankfully we have compiled a page of great information for you to do your Superman studying. To learn more information about Superman Origins and History and his place in American and Global History please Click Here.
More Information About the My Superman Costume Site
We have compiled an about page that answers many commonly asked questions about our site or any site in general. We have done this so you will feel more confident about shopping at our site for your top of the line Superman Costume. We also discuss the reasons we decided to make this site and discuss our general love for all things Superman. You can go to our about page by Clicking Here and please happy shopping for your Superman Costume.
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Why Wear a Superman Costume | Superman Costume
All of us are familiar with the phrase, “Up, up and away”. It is a phrase that has become immortal and remains today in the hearts and minds of millions of avid fans of DC comics that feature this superhero – Superman. He’s a legend who created waves in the world of comic superheroes. In fact, superheroes were born only after he came down to planet Earth from his instable planet Krypton. Ever since, he has turned heads (both in the comics and real world) and fascinated thousands of children and adults alike. He has made an indelible mark in the history of America. Today, he lives on in comics, movies and costumes. Well, you read it right. Costumes. The Superman costume is still popular today – both among kids and adults as well as babies!
Everyone loves to be a hero. This man of steel is the perfect immortal hero that anyone can represent with a Superman costume. Superman gained popularity because of the good deeds he did for earthlings. He was the protector of mankind. Wherever there was trouble, he would be there to rescue and save the day. Owing to these great deeds, the comics portray him as receiving honorary citizenship in all the countries of the world. What more does a superhero need than recognition on the planet he serves? This is the very essence that flows through the veins of anyone dressed in his costume. You can feel the greatness. You can relive the moments. You can be the superhero in your Superman Costume.
Superman’s Beginnings on Earth
When his home planet Krypton was about to explode into tiny fragments, Superman’s parents Jor and Lara sent little Kal-El (his original name) to his new home – Earth – in a spaceship. He landed on Earth near Smallville where he was picked up by Jonathan and Martha Kent and raised up in that town as Clark Kent. From then on, he discovered his potential and strengths and started using them for the good of mankind. He relentlessly fought evil against all odds. He stood alone, but won the battle for the good. He continued to work as Clark Kent, a reporter for the Daily Planet, while, simultaneously, rescuing people and saving the world. He kept his Superman Costume ready for when evil would strike and changed in a phone booth.
Costumes based on this noble character have the potential to emulate all these characteristics in the wearer. The wearer can never portray Superman in bad light. He can only stand for the right, stand for justice. If you are a person who would stand for justice no matter what, the Superman costume is for you. You will be standing as the champion of good causes and the champion of the weak. Nobility will be the epithet of your character. There can be no excuses for evil when you’re around. When people see you, they see an invincible moral police who upholds the highest moral principles for all mankind to follow.
A Close Look at a Superman Costume
Superman is the superhero in red and blue. These colors form the basic combination of colors for this Superman costume. The costume hasn’t changed a bit in the 60 odd years it has been since Superman was born in the comics. He always worn a blue costume with a red cape, red trunks and red boots. A yellow belt is girded around his waist and a large ‘S’ is inscribed on a yellow shield on the chest. You, in the Superman costume, will represent the icon that in some ways symbolizes America itself.
Costumes are available for children and adults in various sizes and variations. One of the popular variations is the fiber optic muscular design. This will make even the skinny Superman look bulky and strong. However, are these the only reasons why you must buy and wear a Superman costume, or are there other benefits as well?
Benefits of the Costume
These costumes carry a host of benefits. Let’s take a peek at some of them.
Great for Parties
The next party you attend could benefit from the presence of a superhero amongst them. If you were to dress up in a Superman Costume, who do you think will get all the attention? Of course, you! The only point you’ll need to bear in mind is to dress up in a costume when you know there’ll be others in costumes too.
Star of Group Gatherings
Casual group meetings (friends and family) will enjoy playing along with their favorite superhero. You can be the star of the evening in your Superman Costume. You could act some scenes right out of the comic stories. Fun takes a whole new turn when you have the champion of justice seated with the ‘common man’.
Winner of Costume Parties and Shows
There will be times when the cute win; but, there will always be times when the superhero steals the show. Dressing up in a Superman costume can add a heroic twist to the otherwise mundane costume party with everybody in their regular masks and simple costumes. People will look up to you, perhaps, hoping that you will do something spectacular. Superman doesn’t disappoint. So, you’d better be prepared.
Grand Openings with a Twist in a Superman Costume
This could be a daring thing to do, especially, if you are the CEO of the company inaugurating a new branch of your law business. It will be a good representation of your ideals and values. Moreover, these values are harped all across the nation too. Don’t forget; Superman is a nationwide icon. Try the Superman costume only if you are already known for these kinds of radical acts (in a good way, of course).
The Superman costume is not too expensive. The child costume is available for as little as $15 while the adult costume can be bought for just $40. Higher-end versions of the costumes can cost up to $760 and more. While there are defined benefits of the costume, you cannot ignore the attention and air of pride that the Superman costume carries with it. Wear it well and you could be on your way to a superhero kind of success shortly.
Superman Costume Accessories | Superman Costume
We have many must get accessories for your Superman Costume.
Superman Vinyl Wig for Adults
Wouldn’t you like people to see a real replica of Superman when you wear the costume? Superman costume accessories are required to complete the outfit. If you want to look like Superman, you have to mimic his hairstyle too. You can do it perfectly with the vinyl wig for adults. You cannot complete your Superman look without this essential accessory. The black vinyl wig has Superman’s signature curl at the forehead. The wig is officially licensed. Wipe only with a clean damp cloth to care for it. Wear it along with the costume and rise up to save the day. You might want to purchase an additional wig cap (not available with the vinyl Superman costume wig) to ensure that the wig does not slip off your head.
Superman Deluxe Vinyl Wig for Child
This vinyl wig is the perfect way to complete your child’s Superman costume accessories. It’s simple and fun. Your little hero will be the hero of the neighborhood school. All the kids would like to see Superman coming to their rescue complete with this forehead curl. The red cape trails behind as your child runs to and fro. You can help the wig stay on for a longer period of time by purchasing a wig cap. Wig caps are not sold along with Superman accessories. The wig is made from 100% vinyl and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Your kid will enjoy the attention he will get from being the complete superhero. It might take some time, but he’ll get used to it.
Clark Kent Glasses: Superman Costume Accessories
Do you remember Superman’s human guise? Yes, he is Clark Kent who works for the Daily Planet. Superman’s alter ego needed a disguise. He couldn’t risk letting the world know his true identity. His disguise was his pair of glasses. You can be Clark Kent by day and a superhero by night too. Get into the character of Clark and stay alert to pick up signals of distress in your city. The undercover hero is in the building. The city will be safe. Clark Kent glasses will complete your Superman costume accessories list for you. You can wear these to office, a party or a costume show. The glasses are black framed and have a Superman emblem on the sides. They are fitted with clear lenses and are 100% plastic.
Superman Ring
If you are an avid reader of comics and have followed Superman through his origins to the present, you would have noticed that he wears a ring. He uses it to shield himself from his enemies. Well, if you’re going to be Superman, you need the ring. This ring is a part of Superman costume accessories for children and completes the outfit of the superhero. It is a unique finishing touch to the costume. When you push a button located discretely, you will find the red ‘S’ light up. This flashes the Superman ‘S’ that we all are familiar with. Well, superman is in town; superhero time has begun and nobody needs to fear any more.
Kids Superman Costumes | Superman Costume
If you are in the market for Kids Superman Costumes, we are proud to say we have the largest inventory of outfits on the internet. Please browse our selection below.
Superman with Chest Toddler / Child Costume
This particular model comes with a muscle chest to make a child look like the real man of steel. The costume comes in four sizes: Large, Medium, Small and Toddler. You don’t need to look elsewhere for the accessories. The entire costume includes a jumpsuit with the attached muscle chest and the ‘S’ insignia, a cape, over-garment, yellow belt and red boot tops, but does not include the boots. Since it is made of polyester, it is easy to maintain and can be machine washed cold and due to the material used, it can be dried on a line without fear of it losing its shape. And with regards to the detailing etc, of the kids Superman costumes this is an officially licensed SUPERMAN™ costume.
Kids Superman Costume
For theme parties, Halloween or simply as a game, of all the costumes, kids Superman costumes are the most popular. This particular model comes with a full body jumpsuit with the ‘S’ logo, gold colored belt, the famous cape and other accessories like boot tops. This is one of the best costumes and your child will enjoy himself to no end with this popular costume. Available in Small, Medium and Large, this costume is made of polyester and needs to be hand washed. The material used is extremely durable and can withstand all sorts of adventures your son might get into. Due to its material and accessories which are part of the package, it is a great hit with children as well as their parents.
Superman Toddler Costume
There are kids Superman costumes available for all ages and this model is specially designed for your tiny toddlers. This adorable costume comes in toddler size for ages 2 to 4. The material used is 100% polyester which ensures that your child can play around as much as they want without you having to worry about any stains which will be difficult to remove later. The material also allows you to machine wash it cold and line dry without any worries. This costume includes the bodysuit and the cape; however it does not include any boots. This is an officially licensed SUPERMAN™ costume which ensures that the costume you receive is of a good quality, durable as well as comfortable for your precious little ones.
Superman Infant (6-12 Months) Costume
We all want to dress up our percious little ones in cute costumes. There are special kids Superman costumes available for our precious infants as well. These are officially licensed SUPERMAN™ costumes and are designed keeping our little ones in mind. The costume includes a blue romper or jumber with the ‘S’ insignia and belt screen printed on it, a soft easily removable cape with Velcro strips and easy to fit leg straps. The design has easy access for diaper changes though it does not have shoes included. The material used is 100% polyester and can be machine washed cold. Avoid using bleach on the costume when washing, though you can line dry it. It is available in Infant size for 6 to 12 months.
Superman Returns Deluxe Toddler Costume
Of the various versions of kids Superman costumes, the new ‘Superman Returns’ is also very popular with children. It is specially designed for our tiny tots and is based on the new Superman movie. It is available in toddler size and is officially licensed SUPERMAN™ and ©DC Comics costume. The costume is made of 100% polyester which allows parents to wash it in the machine at cold and line dry it with no concerns of it losing its shape. The costume consists of a jumpsuit with the blue and burgundy screen printed on it and the famous burgundy cape. The yellow belt is spray painted on the costume and is not separate. The material ensures that there is no irritation to the skin.
Superman Bib Newborn Costume
Your precious newborns also look extremely cute in costumes and there are various kids’ Superman costumes which are just the perfect size for them. This model makes your sweet baby look Super cute! Made of 100% polyester, it is easy to wash and maintain. Just machine wash on cold and line dry and its done! The Superman bib is in the traditional colors of complete blue with red and yellow symbol he is famous for. The yellow belt is printed on the bib and the red cape is attached. This bib is only available in newborn size and the waist is 26” while the total length of the bib is 11”. The simple design makes it easy to slip on and slip off as well.
Getting The Most Out of Our Kids Superman Costumes
Our Kids Superman Costumes go great with our adult Superman Costume selection. Each one is designed to be literally paired up with our adult ones so you and your child can fight Lex Luther together!