Adventures of Superman Comic Reviews

Most of Superman’s enemies scare the hell out of me. Doomsday, Brainiac, Darkseid and Lex Luthor fit the bill. Then we have others that actually make me giggle like a little schoolgirl. Birzaro and the Gene Hackman version of Lex Luthor are just two of them. But probably the one that makes me laugh the loudest is our good friend Mxyzptlk. This mischievous little Imp will do almost anything to get Superman’s attention. And issue number 638 is no exception.

The issue starts out normal enough. Clark and Lois are having a conversation that almost every married couple has had at least once. It’s about Lois’s desire to have children. As we all know, Clark is hesitant about this issue. What normal male isn’t a little cautious about having a child? All we have to worry about is making sure it has roof over its head, food in its belly and warm place to sleep every night. Poor Clark has all of that to worry about plus the concern of his enemies finding out about his child and trying to use his offspring against him. Not to mention the anxiety of even being able to have children. In steps our friend Mr. Mxyzptlk to put his two cents in the conversation. He gives Lois a baby girl. Mxy then goes to show Clark and Lois just what they could expect from their little girl. He shows them the highs and lows of parenting a super teenager. Mxy addresses Clark’s concerns about her safety and teaches him a lesson in the process. The lesson is the future is what you make of it. He shows Clark that he has to look beyond the present and to look to the future.

Overall the issue has a nice little story to it. It teaches all of us a little lesson about taking chances. If you really want something bad enough you should go for it. Just be prepared to work to for it because not everything is easy. I enjoyed the book. It is obviously a filler book and has done its job. The art team did a good job. I really liked the villain that they came up with at the end of the issue. And I really enjoyed the tribute to Calvin and Hobbes. The world seems so darn empty without those two gracing our Sunday papers. Overall I would give it a B+ for the message and art.

D. Scott Hill