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Superman Logo History – Superman – Your Brand Of Life
In its original inception in Action Comics #1, Superman’s symbol was an S with red and blue on a yellow police badge symbol that resembled a shield.
The symbol was first changed a few issues later in Action Comics #7. The shield varied over the first few years of the comics, and many times was nothing more than an inverted triangle with an S inside of it.
The shield first became a pentagon in the Fleischer cartoon serial Superman. It was black with a red S outlined with white (although it was on occasion, outlined with yellow).
The S has varied in size and shape and the pentagon containing it has also changed size and shape. Extreme examples of this would be the very large logo on the Dean Cain costume from the television series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
and the comparatively small version of the shield as depicted in the 2006 film Superman Returns.
It has, in most incarnations, retained its original color, while changing shape here and there. The classic logo is the basis for virtually all other interpretations of the logo.
In the mid-1990s, when Superman’s costume and powers changed briefly, during the “Superman Red/Superman Blue” comic book storylines, the shield changed colors and slightly changed shape, in accordance with the changes in the costume.
In the miniseries Kingdom Come, an aged Superman sported an S-like symbol against a black background in a red pentagon.
In the 2000s TV series Smallville, the S symbol originally appeared as a pentagon with a vertical infinity symbol (to be similar to the S), in an attempt to make it seem more alien. However, beginning with the Season Six opening episode “Zod,” Clark is given a crystal bearing the S logo in the style of the Superman Returns logo and is seen several times throughout the series and specifically in the season finale when a beam shaped like the logo hits a Phantom Zone escapee. The logo also appeared in the first episode of the series, when the students captured Clark by giving him a kryptonite necklace (which they didn’t know was a weakness) and tied him to a cross-like beam in a cornfield and painted an red ‘S’ on Clark’s chest (standing for Smallville, the town they live in) as a reference
Superman Comic Books, DC Comics, Wallpaper, Clothing, Costumes, Smallville
Free DC Comics Superman Wallpapers Online
Published: July 3, 2007
Some fans just can’t wait to open their comic books to see their favorite character in action. DC Comics has thankfully allowed their characters to be immortalized in wallpaper form; …
Superman Boxers, TShirts And Belt Buckles
Published: July 3, 2007
What’s that in the sky? A bird? A plane? It’s probably not Superman, but it could be a Superman kite, one of the many items plastered with the Superman logo. …
Batman Vs Superman: DC Comics, Heros And Movies
Published: July 3, 2007
The question is as old as the comics themselves. In a fight, who would win? Batman or Superman? The answer seems quite simple. Bruce Wayne, Batman’s alter ego, is just …
Sponsored Results
Superman Products and Services
Superman Bed Sheets, Action Figures, Superman Logo and Kids Bedroom Theme
Sponsored Superman Theme Results:
Heroes appeal to everyone, especially kids. Today, Superheroes like Spiderman, Batman, the Fantastic Four, and Superman are in abundance. That’s evident just by looking at the long list of movies that have come out in the last several years. This gives kids a lot to choose from, but even so, a lot of them still have a love for Superman. And who can blame them? Fortunately, it’s easy to create a Superman theme for every little Superman fan.When creating a Superman theme, the place to start isn’t the Superman bed sheets, but the walls. For a Superman theme, walls can be painted blue, red or yellow (the colors of the Superman Logo), or a wall border can be used. Bold colors are excellent choices for kids bedrooms, and painting one or two walls one color and the other walls another color is becoming increasingly popular. This style can be adapted into the Superman theme by painting two walls blue and two walls red. A border of some kind, whether a strip of paint or a Superman theme wallpaper, can run across the walls to tie the room together.Superman bed sheets and comforters are a very fun part of making a kids bedroom. Some Superman bed sheet sets feature a pillow case with Superman in an action pose, and others feature the Superman Logo (The S in a shield). The Superman bed sheets and pillow case sets are about $16 to $20. The Superman bed sheets come in several different colors, so they can easily match the walls. Remember, bold colors work well in kids bedrdooms, and Superman bed sheets are riddled with the boldest of reds, yellows, and blues. Superman bed sheets can be purchased online at, and it is also possible to purchase Superman bed sheets in some department stores.Superman actions figures are the next important part, and they can also match the walls and the Superman bed sheets. Though kids may not have a lot of Superman action figures or Superman posters, but are easy to acquire. Superman action figures and posters can be bought online, and oftentimes posters and figurines can be found in resale or consignment shops. Even online, Superman action figures only cost between $15 and $70. Superman action figures can include Superman theme figures from the comics and the movies – good guys and bad guys alike, just like the Superman bed sheets.Everyone needs a hero and kids are no exception. So, when the kids start saying they want a Superman bedroom theme, don’t despair. With a bit of time, some paint, a few posters, a few Superman action figures, and some Superman bed sheets, the room will be perfect for any kids bedroom.Sources:
Action Figures. Go Figure. 2007. 20 June 2007.
Superman Action Figures. Wicked Cool 2007. 20 June 2007.
Superman Bedroom Ideas. Talk Design. 2007. Home Designs. 20 June 2007. erman-bedroom-ideas/
Superman Bedding. 20 June 2007. 20 June 2007. ng/cPath/10197.html
Superman Wallpaper. Superman Homepage. 2007. Steven Younis. 20 June 2007. media.php?topic=wallpaper
Superman Costumes, Belt Buckles, Halloween Costumes and Birthday Party Themes
Superman, what more is there to say? He is the ultimate superhero. Superman is everything men want to be, he is the man who women and girls want to marry, and he has all the qualities that little boys aspire to. Superman is handsome with a good physique, he’s strong, invincible, mild, and humble and he can even fly! So many dreams all wrapped up into one man.Superman has such an all-American image that he even gets teased by his fellow superheroes who refer to him as the Blue Boy Scout. Superman costumes are popular today which may be surprising when one considers that Superman was first introduced in Action Comics in 1938, six years after he was created by Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Schuster. Since the birth of his creation, Superman costumes have been worn for nearly seventy years.Kids love Superman costumes. The man of steel image that is reinforced by the morally strong Clark Kent, the bumbling, shy newspaperman, represents irresistible and timeless themes for kids and adults alike. Superman costumes are sold for every age group. There are infant superman costumes and a Superman bunting costs about $25. Superman costumes for children cost around $40,and includes a muscle chest enhancement that makes a skinny legged little guy look like a body builder on toothpicks. It is even possible to dress a pooch as Superdog for only $20.Adult Superman costumes are also popular around Halloween. It seems that people never grow out of wanting to be Superman. Halloween costumes for adults cost around $43 for the tights and the cape. Accessories are even available for those who want the the ability to transform from mild mannered Clark Kent with his horn-rimmed glasses (about $3) into sleek Superman costumes. Superman costumes can even include a plastic wig that simulates his wind-proof, curly-locked hairdo for about $15.It is popular these days to have a Superman theme birthday party where all the children come in Superman costumes. A variety of accoutrements are available for that Superman birthday party that makes everyone believe they are on Planet Krypton. Start off with Superman birthday party invitations and don’t forget the Superman thank you cards because Superman would never forget his manners. Superman plates, cups, napkins, banners and streamers in matching colors are all part of creating the Superman atmosphere. All the party necessities are available in a pack that accommodates a party of eight rambunctious second graders in Superman costumes for about $38. Add to this Superman birthday party favors including stickers, a ring, Superman pencil, and even a wacky whirler for about $4 per bag. Then just blow up the balloons to finish off that Superman theme atmosphere to perfection.Guests of a Superman party might wonder what to bring as a gift for that man of steel. One idea that the birthday kid will appreciate are Superman belt buckles for a reasonable $25. Superman belt buckles are made of handsome pewter with the Superman “S” logo and baked enamel finish.Fortunately the Internet provides easy access to vendors of Superman costumes, party accessories, and gifts. Some of the online retailers offering Superman merchandise are Costumes or Halloween Costumes 4 Birthday in a Sells party supplies, and Body sells Superman belt buckles. Shopping online for Superman costumes saves time and offers the convenience of shopping many vendors quickly for the best price.Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…Superman costumes turn ordinary people into the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton. Superman costumes produce images of truth justice and the American way, the ultimate Robin Hood, the invincible King Arthur, the bullet proof Indiana Jones all wrapped up in one red cape. Superman costumes let everyone participate in the fun, fantasy and legend that is the man from Krypton.Sources:
Superman Sale. Birthday in a Box. 2007. Kaboose. 18 June 2007. me-dept_id-247-cat_id-5
Licensed Superman Classic Logo Belt Buckle. Body Candy Body Jewelry.2007 Cybercartel International Inc. 18 June 2007.
Sueprhero Costumes. Costumes Inc. 18 June 2007. s.html
Muscle Chest Kids Superman Costume. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. ermanMuscle.html
Superman Bunting. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. erman_bunt.html
“Superman.” Wikipedia. 17 June 2007. 18 June 2007.
Superman Costumes, Belt Buckles, Halloween Costumes and Birthday Party Themes
Superman, what more is there to say? He is the ultimate superhero. Superman is everything men want to be, he is the man who women and girls want to marry, and he has all the qualities that little boys aspire to. Superman is handsome with a good physique, he’s strong, invincible, mild, and humble and he can even fly! So many dreams all wrapped up into one man.Superman has such an all-American image that he even gets teased by his fellow superheroes who refer to him as the Blue Boy Scout. Superman costumes are popular today which may be surprising when one considers that Superman was first introduced in Action Comics in 1938, six years after he was created by Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Schuster. Since the birth of his creation, Superman costumes have been worn for nearly seventy years.Kids love Superman costumes. The man of steel image that is reinforced by the morally strong Clark Kent, the bumbling, shy newspaperman, represents irresistible and timeless themes for kids and adults alike. Superman costumes are sold for every age group. There are infant superman costumes and a Superman bunting costs about $25. Superman costumes for children cost around $40,and includes a muscle chest enhancement that makes a skinny legged little guy look like a body builder on toothpicks. It is even possible to dress a pooch as Superdog for only $20.Adult Superman costumes are also popular around Halloween. It seems that people never grow out of wanting to be Superman. Halloween costumes for adults cost around $43 for the tights and the cape. Accessories are even available for those who want the the ability to transform from mild mannered Clark Kent with his horn-rimmed glasses (about $3) into sleek Superman costumes. Superman costumes can even include a plastic wig that simulates his wind-proof, curly-locked hairdo for about $15.It is popular these days to have a Superman theme birthday party where all the children come in Superman costumes. A variety of accoutrements are available for that Superman birthday party that makes everyone believe they are on Planet Krypton. Start off with Superman birthday party invitations and don’t forget the Superman thank you cards because Superman would never forget his manners. Superman plates, cups, napkins, banners and streamers in matching colors are all part of creating the Superman atmosphere. All the party necessities are available in a pack that accommodates a party of eight rambunctious second graders in Superman costumes for about $38. Add to this Superman birthday party favors including stickers, a ring, Superman pencil, and even a wacky whirler for about $4 per bag. Then just blow up the balloons to finish off that Superman theme atmosphere to perfection.Guests of a Superman party might wonder what to bring as a gift for that man of steel. One idea that the birthday kid will appreciate are Superman belt buckles for a reasonable $25. Superman belt buckles are made of handsome pewter with the Superman “S” logo and baked enamel finish.Fortunately the Internet provides easy access to vendors of Superman costumes, party accessories, and gifts. Some of the online retailers offering Superman merchandise are Costumes or Halloween Costumes 4 Birthday in a Sells party supplies, and Body sells Superman belt buckles. Shopping online for Superman costumes saves time and offers the convenience of shopping many vendors quickly for the best price.Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…Superman costumes turn ordinary people into the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton. Superman costumes produce images of truth justice and the American way, the ultimate Robin Hood, the invincible King Arthur, the bullet proof Indiana Jones all wrapped up in one red cape. Superman costumes let everyone participate in the fun, fantasy and legend that is the man from Krypton.Sources:
Superman Sale. Birthday in a Box. 2007. Kaboose. 18 June 2007. me-dept_id-247-cat_id-5
Licensed Superman Classic Logo Belt Buckle. Body Candy Body Jewelry.2007 Cybercartel International Inc. 18 June 2007.
Sueprhero Costumes. Costumes Inc. 18 June 2007. s.html
Muscle Chest Kids Superman Costume. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. ermanMuscle.html
Superman Bunting. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. erman_bunt.html
“Superman.” Wikipedia. 17 June 2007. 18 June 2007.
Superman Costumes, Belt Buckles, Halloween Costumes and Birthday Party Themes
Superman, what more is there to say? He is the ultimate superhero. Superman is everything men want to be, he is the man who women and girls want to marry, and he has all the qualities that little boys aspire to. Superman is handsome with a good physique, he’s strong, invincible, mild, and humble and he can even fly! So many dreams all wrapped up into one man.Superman has such an all-American image that he even gets teased by his fellow superheroes who refer to him as the Blue Boy Scout. Superman costumes are popular today which may be surprising when one considers that Superman was first introduced in Action Comics in 1938, six years after he was created by Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Schuster. Since the birth of his creation, Superman costumes have been worn for nearly seventy years.Kids love Superman costumes. The man of steel image that is reinforced by the morally strong Clark Kent, the bumbling, shy newspaperman, represents irresistible and timeless themes for kids and adults alike. Superman costumes are sold for every age group. There are infant superman costumes and a Superman bunting costs about $25. Superman costumes for children cost around $40,and includes a muscle chest enhancement that makes a skinny legged little guy look like a body builder on toothpicks. It is even possible to dress a pooch as Superdog for only $20.Adult Superman costumes are also popular around Halloween. It seems that people never grow out of wanting to be Superman. Halloween costumes for adults cost around $43 for the tights and the cape. Accessories are even available for those who want the the ability to transform from mild mannered Clark Kent with his horn-rimmed glasses (about $3) into sleek Superman costumes. Superman costumes can even include a plastic wig that simulates his wind-proof, curly-locked hairdo for about $15.It is popular these days to have a Superman theme birthday party where all the children come in Superman costumes. A variety of accoutrements are available for that Superman birthday party that makes everyone believe they are on Planet Krypton. Start off with Superman birthday party invitations and don’t forget the Superman thank you cards because Superman would never forget his manners. Superman plates, cups, napkins, banners and streamers in matching colors are all part of creating the Superman atmosphere. All the party necessities are available in a pack that accommodates a party of eight rambunctious second graders in Superman costumes for about $38. Add to this Superman birthday party favors including stickers, a ring, Superman pencil, and even a wacky whirler for about $4 per bag. Then just blow up the balloons to finish off that Superman theme atmosphere to perfection.Guests of a Superman party might wonder what to bring as a gift for that man of steel. One idea that the birthday kid will appreciate are Superman belt buckles for a reasonable $25. Superman belt buckles are made of handsome pewter with the Superman “S” logo and baked enamel finish.Fortunately the Internet provides easy access to vendors of Superman costumes, party accessories, and gifts. Some of the online retailers offering Superman merchandise are Costumes or Halloween Costumes 4 Birthday in a Sells party supplies, and Body sells Superman belt buckles. Shopping online for Superman costumes saves time and offers the convenience of shopping many vendors quickly for the best price.Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…Superman costumes turn ordinary people into the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton. Superman costumes produce images of truth justice and the American way, the ultimate Robin Hood, the invincible King Arthur, the bullet proof Indiana Jones all wrapped up in one red cape. Superman costumes let everyone participate in the fun, fantasy and legend that is the man from Krypton.Sources:
Superman Sale. Birthday in a Box. 2007. Kaboose. 18 June 2007. me-dept_id-247-cat_id-5
Licensed Superman Classic Logo Belt Buckle. Body Candy Body Jewelry.2007 Cybercartel International Inc. 18 June 2007.
Sueprhero Costumes. Costumes Inc. 18 June 2007. s.html
Muscle Chest Kids Superman Costume. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. ermanMuscle.html
Superman Bunting. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. erman_bunt.html
“Superman.” Wikipedia. 17 June 2007. 18 June 2007.
Superman Costumes, Belt Buckles, Halloween Costumes and Birthday Party Themes
Superman, what more is there to say? He is the ultimate superhero. Superman is everything men want to be, he is the man who women and girls want to marry, and he has all the qualities that little boys aspire to. Superman is handsome with a good physique, he’s strong, invincible, mild, and humble and he can even fly! So many dreams all wrapped up into one man.Superman has such an all-American image that he even gets teased by his fellow superheroes who refer to him as the Blue Boy Scout. Superman costumes are popular today which may be surprising when one considers that Superman was first introduced in Action Comics in 1938, six years after he was created by Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Schuster. Since the birth of his creation, Superman costumes have been worn for nearly seventy years.Kids love Superman costumes. The man of steel image that is reinforced by the morally strong Clark Kent, the bumbling, shy newspaperman, represents irresistible and timeless themes for kids and adults alike. Superman costumes are sold for every age group. There are infant superman costumes and a Superman bunting costs about $25. Superman costumes for children cost around $40,and includes a muscle chest enhancement that makes a skinny legged little guy look like a body builder on toothpicks. It is even possible to dress a pooch as Superdog for only $20.Adult Superman costumes are also popular around Halloween. It seems that people never grow out of wanting to be Superman. Halloween costumes for adults cost around $43 for the tights and the cape. Accessories are even available for those who want the the ability to transform from mild mannered Clark Kent with his horn-rimmed glasses (about $3) into sleek Superman costumes. Superman costumes can even include a plastic wig that simulates his wind-proof, curly-locked hairdo for about $15.It is popular these days to have a Superman theme birthday party where all the children come in Superman costumes. A variety of accoutrements are available for that Superman birthday party that makes everyone believe they are on Planet Krypton. Start off with Superman birthday party invitations and don’t forget the Superman thank you cards because Superman would never forget his manners. Superman plates, cups, napkins, banners and streamers in matching colors are all part of creating the Superman atmosphere. All the party necessities are available in a pack that accommodates a party of eight rambunctious second graders in Superman costumes for about $38. Add to this Superman birthday party favors including stickers, a ring, Superman pencil, and even a wacky whirler for about $4 per bag. Then just blow up the balloons to finish off that Superman theme atmosphere to perfection.Guests of a Superman party might wonder what to bring as a gift for that man of steel. One idea that the birthday kid will appreciate are Superman belt buckles for a reasonable $25. Superman belt buckles are made of handsome pewter with the Superman “S” logo and baked enamel finish.Fortunately the Internet provides easy access to vendors of Superman costumes, party accessories, and gifts. Some of the online retailers offering Superman merchandise are Costumes or Halloween Costumes 4 Birthday in a Sells party supplies, and Body sells Superman belt buckles. Shopping online for Superman costumes saves time and offers the convenience of shopping many vendors quickly for the best price.Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…Superman costumes turn ordinary people into the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton. Superman costumes produce images of truth justice and the American way, the ultimate Robin Hood, the invincible King Arthur, the bullet proof Indiana Jones all wrapped up in one red cape. Superman costumes let everyone participate in the fun, fantasy and legend that is the man from Krypton.Sources:
Superman Sale. Birthday in a Box. 2007. Kaboose. 18 June 2007. me-dept_id-247-cat_id-5
Licensed Superman Classic Logo Belt Buckle. Body Candy Body Jewelry.2007 Cybercartel International Inc. 18 June 2007.
Sueprhero Costumes. Costumes Inc. 18 June 2007. s.html
Muscle Chest Kids Superman Costume. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. ermanMuscle.html
Superman Bunting. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. erman_bunt.html
“Superman.” Wikipedia. 17 June 2007. 18 June 2007.
Superman Costumes, Belt Buckles, Halloween Costumes and Birthday Party Themes
Superman, what more is there to say? He is the ultimate superhero. Superman is everything men want to be, he is the man who women and girls want to marry, and he has all the qualities that little boys aspire to. Superman is handsome with a good physique, he’s strong, invincible, mild, and humble and he can even fly! So many dreams all wrapped up into one man.Superman has such an all-American image that he even gets teased by his fellow superheroes who refer to him as the Blue Boy Scout. Superman costumes are popular today which may be surprising when one considers that Superman was first introduced in Action Comics in 1938, six years after he was created by Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Schuster. Since the birth of his creation, Superman costumes have been worn for nearly seventy years.Kids love Superman costumes. The man of steel image that is reinforced by the morally strong Clark Kent, the bumbling, shy newspaperman, represents irresistible and timeless themes for kids and adults alike. Superman costumes are sold for every age group. There are infant superman costumes and a Superman bunting costs about $25. Superman costumes for children cost around $40,and includes a muscle chest enhancement that makes a skinny legged little guy look like a body builder on toothpicks. It is even possible to dress a pooch as Superdog for only $20.Adult Superman costumes are also popular around Halloween. It seems that people never grow out of wanting to be Superman. Halloween costumes for adults cost around $43 for the tights and the cape. Accessories are even available for those who want the the ability to transform from mild mannered Clark Kent with his horn-rimmed glasses (about $3) into sleek Superman costumes. Superman costumes can even include a plastic wig that simulates his wind-proof, curly-locked hairdo for about $15.It is popular these days to have a Superman theme birthday party where all the children come in Superman costumes. A variety of accoutrements are available for that Superman birthday party that makes everyone believe they are on Planet Krypton. Start off with Superman birthday party invitations and don’t forget the Superman thank you cards because Superman would never forget his manners. Superman plates, cups, napkins, banners and streamers in matching colors are all part of creating the Superman atmosphere. All the party necessities are available in a pack that accommodates a party of eight rambunctious second graders in Superman costumes for about $38. Add to this Superman birthday party favors including stickers, a ring, Superman pencil, and even a wacky whirler for about $4 per bag. Then just blow up the balloons to finish off that Superman theme atmosphere to perfection.Guests of a Superman party might wonder what to bring as a gift for that man of steel. One idea that the birthday kid will appreciate are Superman belt buckles for a reasonable $25. Superman belt buckles are made of handsome pewter with the Superman “S” logo and baked enamel finish.Fortunately the Internet provides easy access to vendors of Superman costumes, party accessories, and gifts. Some of the online retailers offering Superman merchandise are Costumes or Halloween Costumes 4 Birthday in a Sells party supplies, and Body sells Superman belt buckles. Shopping online for Superman costumes saves time and offers the convenience of shopping many vendors quickly for the best price.Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…Superman costumes turn ordinary people into the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton. Superman costumes produce images of truth justice and the American way, the ultimate Robin Hood, the invincible King Arthur, the bullet proof Indiana Jones all wrapped up in one red cape. Superman costumes let everyone participate in the fun, fantasy and legend that is the man from Krypton.Sources:
Superman Sale. Birthday in a Box. 2007. Kaboose. 18 June 2007. me-dept_id-247-cat_id-5
Licensed Superman Classic Logo Belt Buckle. Body Candy Body Jewelry.2007 Cybercartel International Inc. 18 June 2007.
Sueprhero Costumes. Costumes Inc. 18 June 2007. s.html
Muscle Chest Kids Superman Costume. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. ermanMuscle.html
Superman Bunting. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. erman_bunt.html
“Superman.” Wikipedia. 17 June 2007. 18 June 2007.
Superman Boxers, TShirts and Belt Buckles
Sponsored Superman Tshirts Results:
What’s that in the sky? A bird? A plane? It’s probably not Superman, but it could be a Superman kite, one of the many items plastered with the Superman logo. Since the beginning of the Superman franchise, just about every object imaginable has been produced with the trademark red and yellow S logo. Clothing remains one of the most popular ways to display Superman pride. Superman boxers, tshirts, and even belt buckles are just a few examples of the large Superman merchandise industry.Boxers come in many varieties, and it should not be surprising that Superman boxers are among the most popular styles. Classic Superman boxers are blue with the red and yellow S logo displayed on the front. This style of Superman boxers are the favorite for many men. Aside from this basic pattern, other blue Superman boxers display the S with a starburst behind, thrusting the logo into further prominence. Some Superman boxers are black with a metallic-looking variance of the classic S. Other black Superman boxers show an illustration of a serious, muscular Superman with his arms folded. Behind him, the metallic S can be seen. A few wilder designs also exist, such as a black pair of Superman boxers complete with a flaming S logo. The Superman boxers’ prices range from about $9 to $13.Superman tshirts come in an even wider variety than guys’ boxers. The classic S logo on a blue shirt is the most popular, as it was with the Superman boxers. Superman tshirts display the S in a number of different styles – a red and silver S, a barbed wire S, an American flag S, a flaming S, a frozen S, and even a “bling bling” S. The tshirts are usually either blue (light or dark), black, or gray. Some Superman tshirts do not display the S logo. For example, one shirt places Superman flying across the chest, and text states that “The ladies think I’m fly.” Although most tshirts are designed for males, Superman tshirts for women, juniors, children, and even babies exist. Tshirts usually cost between $13 and $18. Long sleeve shirts are a bit pricier at around $22.Other Superman apparel ranges from hats and shoes to ties and belt buckles. Superman belt buckles, not surprisingly, are most often display the S logo. They are usually either the classic red and yellow or shiny chrome. However, a few specialized S styles exist such as a light blue and pink “Supergirl” buckle. Superman belt buckles usually cost between $15 and $24.Aside from Superman boxers, tshirts, and other clothing items, Superman merchandise includes posters, magnets, action figures, and comics. Other, more unusual items can also be purchased with Superman S logo. Actually, just about any accessory imaginable can be purchased online from the Superman Superstore. This site offers Superman lava lamps, switch plate covers, computer keyboards, cookie jars, clocks, steering wheel covers, temporary tattoos, and necklaces, among other items. Aside from the Superman Superstore, Superman merchandise can be purchased from the official Warner Brothers Shop online, or a number of other Internet websites. Superman began as a comic book character. From this original illustration, the Superman franchise has expanded to include other media (movies, TV shows) and a plethora of Superman merchandise. As long as super heroes continue to be popular, Superman will remain the essential hero, and the public will buy accessories with the Superman logo.Sources:
Belts and Buckles. Superman Superstore. 2007. 18 June 2007. s—buckles.html
Boxers and Briefs. 2007. The Official Warner Bros Shop. 18 June 2007. Accessories/Boxers–Briefs/
Superman Boxers. 1999-2007. 18 June 2007.
Superman Tshirts. Slingshot Tshirts. 2007. 18 June 2007. x?CategoryID=9&PI=Superman-T-Shirts
Superman Boxers, TShirts and Belt Buckles
Sponsored Superman Merchandise Results:
What’s that in the sky? A bird? A plane? It’s probably not Superman, but it could be a Superman kite, one of the many items plastered with the Superman logo. Since the beginning of the Superman franchise, just about every object imaginable has been produced with the trademark red and yellow S logo. Clothing remains one of the most popular ways to display Superman pride. Superman boxers, tshirts, and even belt buckles are just a few examples of the large Superman merchandise industry.Boxers come in many varieties, and it should not be surprising that Superman boxers are among the most popular styles. Classic Superman boxers are blue with the red and yellow S logo displayed on the front. This style of Superman boxers are the favorite for many men. Aside from this basic pattern, other blue Superman boxers display the S with a starburst behind, thrusting the logo into further prominence. Some Superman boxers are black with a metallic-looking variance of the classic S. Other black Superman boxers show an illustration of a serious, muscular Superman with his arms folded. Behind him, the metallic S can be seen. A few wilder designs also exist, such as a black pair of Superman boxers complete with a flaming S logo. The Superman boxers’ prices range from about $9 to $13.Superman tshirts come in an even wider variety than guys’ boxers. The classic S logo on a blue shirt is the most popular, as it was with the Superman boxers. Superman tshirts display the S in a number of different styles – a red and silver S, a barbed wire S, an American flag S, a flaming S, a frozen S, and even a “bling bling” S. The tshirts are usually either blue (light or dark), black, or gray. Some Superman tshirts do not display the S logo. For example, one shirt places Superman flying across the chest, and text states that “The ladies think I’m fly.” Although most tshirts are designed for males, Superman tshirts for women, juniors, children, and even babies exist. Tshirts usually cost between $13 and $18. Long sleeve shirts are a bit pricier at around $22.Other Superman apparel ranges from hats and shoes to ties and belt buckles. Superman belt buckles, not surprisingly, are most often display the S logo. They are usually either the classic red and yellow or shiny chrome. However, a few specialized S styles exist such as a light blue and pink “Supergirl” buckle. Superman belt buckles usually cost between $15 and $24.Aside from Superman boxers, tshirts, and other clothing items, Superman merchandise includes posters, magnets, action figures, and comics. Other, more unusual items can also be purchased with Superman S logo. Actually, just about any accessory imaginable can be purchased online from the Superman Superstore. This site offers Superman lava lamps, switch plate covers, computer keyboards, cookie jars, clocks, steering wheel covers, temporary tattoos, and necklaces, among other items. Aside from the Superman Superstore, Superman merchandise can be purchased from the official Warner Brothers Shop online, or a number of other Internet websites. Superman began as a comic book character. From this original illustration, the Superman franchise has expanded to include other media (movies, TV shows) and a plethora of Superman merchandise. As long as super heroes continue to be popular, Superman will remain the essential hero, and the public will buy accessories with the Superman logo.Sources:
Belts and Buckles. Superman Superstore. 2007. 18 June 2007. s—buckles.html
Boxers and Briefs. 2007. The Official Warner Bros Shop. 18 June 2007. Accessories/Boxers–Briefs/
Superman Boxers. 1999-2007. 18 June 2007.
Superman Tshirts. Slingshot Tshirts. 2007. 18 June 2007. x?CategoryID=9&PI=Superman-T-Shirts