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Category: Uncategorized :: View topic – Mr. Loeb & Churchill's “Supergirl”, who'll be
I’ll be at my town’s sole local comic store with frickin BELLS on for this if need be! lol I’ve seriously been waiting for my gal Kara’s return ever scince that beyond moronic editorial decreed CRAP decision around end of CRISIS era to make Kal sole survivour of Krypton thus killing off my poor ever beloved heroine undeservingly as a result. (Those frickin B*******!!!
) BUT, THANK GOD for editor Mr. Berganza, Peter David, Loeb and Turner for having the balls needed to say “screw that crap! were giving back Kara as the SOLE and rightful current time era DCU Supergirl to the masses PERIOD! like it or lump it!” I’m forever in their debt as such!
Anyways… nuff bout my rambling. Heh. Anyone else gonna be picking up Kara’s rightful first Post-BR era title, eh? AA_________________
Look! Up in the sky!! :: View topic – Miss Teschmacher Cast?
Yeah i had changed the news part, bc it originally said she was cast as Miss T. but was then changed. As far as where i have been, its hard having a job, life, and school, and also managing 3 sites, besides i dont have any help on the Supergirl one and the Superman one needs attention, as far as updates and the like… :: View topic – Frank Langella as Perry White!
Hey, he kind of looks like count Dooku from episode II.
you cant say he doesnt look like perry white yet because they havent done his makeup and prosthesis. I mean look at John Jonah Jameson, if you see any RL shots of that actor he doesnt look like him at all either, but he did a killer job. :: View topic – The state of Superman today.
Superman: I haven’t picked up any current issue’s since Jim started(or before) so no comments for that. Action comics: I actually got the last two issues since there was a new writer( apparently it still was chuck A.) and it was one of the best ending to an arc i’ve ever read. Even though I was lost to the arc’s plot, the last issue with gog and doomsday blew me away. AOS: Well form that I can tell and it is obvious, Pete is Ruin but it can’t be that obvious. I’m hoping it isn’t but we’ll see… Superman/Batman: Don’t collect this book but I have read the first TPB and I found it to be a good read. JLA: thought this isn’t a superman book exclusively I thought I’d mention it. The current arc with Busiek writing is keeping me entertained, others say that it was boring in the start and now issue 6(i think?) it’s getting good. you gotta love the crime syndicate._________________
signature? :: View topic – That one guy
also if you like Elseworlds titles, i really suggest Superman: Red Son another good prestige, now trade is Superman: Secret Identity and of course Superman: For All Seasons is great!
Also reading our worlds at war would be cool, just cause i liked that arc :: View topic – Miss Teschmacher Cast?
Yeah i had changed the news part, bc it originally said she was cast as Miss T. but was then changed. As far as where i have been, its hard having a job, life, and school, and also managing 3 sites, besides i dont have any help on the Supergirl one and the Superman one needs attention, as far as updates and the like… :: View topic – Clark Kents look in the movie
Here is a pic of Routh as Clark Kent. [img][/img]
I like it a lot. I really like that going to use the tradition look of him in a suit and fedora. Reminds me of the Fleischer cartoons and old Golden Age Clark Kent, and think we all know how feel about the Golden Age. lol :: View topic – Satalite Tracking
With Countdown to Infinate Crisis (DC Countdown was a way cooler name) out today I thought it would be fun to try and find all the links to comics which served as set up for countdown or a continuation of the events in I.D. Crisis. Maybe it’ll give us an idea of what’s going to happen next. An example would be that the case of kryptonite which was stored in the warehouse made it’s first appearance in a recent issue of Batman. Or the scene in outsiders in which Nightwing confronts Batman and Batman reveals that he has vague memories of what the league did to him. The idea hear is to help keep track of all the plot threads flowing throughout the DCU. Since I don’t have access to Brother Eye I’m going to ask you guys for help instead._________________
Superman: Only the weak succumb to brutality. :: View topic – Smallville's pace
Yeah, thats what I liked about him jumping from the overpass, and punching the guy when he was turned away. No one saw him, and he ran off.
I was like “about time he remembered he could run away at superspeed” it is more like in the comics (now Ma has to start a scrapbook), and it helps tie it into Superman with him rescuing and leaving.
_________________ :: View topic – The picture guy
Okay, basically i just added some more allowed html tags, its restricted to certain tags because malicious codes can be entered to easily gain access to all accounts passwords and what not. so the following are the allowed html tags b,u,i,a,img,hr (for the html illiterate those do the following: bold,underline,italics, a is used for links, img is used to insert image, hr makes it a header). Dont ask me why the bbcode doesnt work in signatures, but it doesnt.
but other than that, how do you like the site? does it look okay?