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Free DC Comics Superman Wallpapers Online
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Some fans just can’t wait to open their comic books to see their favorite character in action. DC Comics has thankfully allowed their characters to be immortalized in wallpaper form; with DC Comics wallpapers, fans can now see their heroes as soon as they wake up in the morning.Due to the increased personalization of the computer, the term wallpaper now has two meanings. The traditional, more literal definition still applies, but wallpaper also refers to the background on a computer’s desktop. In the world of DC Comics wallpapers, the latter type of wallpaper is more common, but physical wallpaper featuring superheroes like Batman can still be sought out.DC stalwart Superman appears on DC Comics wallpapers for both computer and home. One particular design features the Man of Steel’s triangular red S logo repeating on a white background; the photo shows the wallpaper used with an appliqué of Superman himself breaking through the tiny logos and flying upward to save the day (this appliqué is sold separately and costs $54.99 online). Another one of the DC Comics wallpapers features the city of Metropolis and the colossal globe structure adorning Clark Kent’s place of work, The Daily Planet. The flying Superman appliqué is also shown complimenting this design.For a more subtle touch, DC Comics wallpapers come in border designs to simply outline the room. Border wallpaper featuring Batman in various poses costs $12.99 per one pound spool online at Amazon. A spool runs 15 feet long and seven inches wide, and this wallpaper is vinyl coated and pre-pasted. Some Superman fans use the border in conjunction with the full size DC Comics wallpapers, but it works by itself, too. Comic book fandom isn’t limited to the men; Supergirl borders from are available for female fans of the comic books who want to outline their room with something feminine.It’s not difficult to find free wallpaper online. A simple Google search yields over 1,000,000 results for DC Comics wallpapers. Endless designs are available with lesser-known characters like Supergirl and Green Lantern in addition to famous creations like Superman, Lois Lane, and Batman. Fans shouldn’t feel guilty about snagging a free download from a random site hawking desktop patterns – DC Comics wallpapers are free even on the official DC website. DC Comics wallpapers even feature animated renderings of scantily clad women like Danger Girl as wallpaper for the high school or college-age male. Cult movie hits like Snakes On A Plane are compressed into wallpaper form as well.Since the DC Comics wallpapers online are free, fans shouldn’t feel like they are violating some copyright law by freely taking an image for personal use. No one is making any money; not even DC themselves charge for this sort of thing on their site. In short, DC Comics wallpapers are free online. DC Comics wallpapers in the physical form, however, come at a price.Sources:
Superman and Supergirl Borders, Murals, Wall Accents. FYHome. 18 June 2007. .asp?id=1661
Downloads: Desktop Patterns. DC Comics. 18 June 2007.
DC Comics Cartoon Batman in Gotham Wallpaper. 1996-2007. 18 June 2007. am-Wallpaper/dp/B000AP59SS