Marvel Megasite

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Author Which Marvel Comics do you read or collect?
Captain Marvel


Posts: 21


New York, NY



I thought it might be interesting to hear from the membership which Marvel titles you are reading each month. I myself read,

Uncanny X-Men, Astonishing X-Men, X-Men, New Avengers, New Invaders, Hulk, Captain America, Captain America and the Falcon, Fantastic Four and the complete Ultimate line.

Author RE: Which Marvel Comics do you read or collect?
Jean Grey


Posts: 26


Holly Springs, Mississippi



New Avengers Fantastic Four Amazing Spider-Man Ultimate Spider-Man and both of Cap’s titles.

Author RE: Which Marvel Comics do you read or collect?
Remy Lebeau


Posts: 37




I try to catch Uncanny X-men and X-men when I can. I keep up mostly with them for bishop and gambit.

its not marvel but i mostly read the Star Wars comics, republic and all of the clone wars stuff.

Supreme Power New Avengers Astonishing X-Men Ultimate X-Men Uncanny X-Men Alpha Flight Ultimate Fantastic Four.

Fantastic Four Marvel Knights 4 Marvel Knights Dracula (when it starts) Amazing Spider-Man Ironman She Hulk All of the X-Men books.

Amazing Spider-man MK Spider-man New Avengers Secret War

plus whatever looks good each month.



Posts: 137


Caldecott Co., Mississippi



Ok here is my monstrous-list. All things Ultimate!! X-Men Astonishing X-Men

Uncanny X-Men (I may have to drop this soon if it doesn’t get better though I’ve already dumped Excalibur)

New X-Men: X Academy Exiles NYX Rogue Gambit Nightcrawler X-23 Phoenix: Endsong X4 Dr. Strange Black Panther New Avengers Marvel Team-Up The Pulse Secret War I get too much! Need to drop a few.

Edited by Rogue on 23-02-05 22:35

Marvel Girl wrote:
Join the club Rogue, thats why I ditched my DC Comics titles.

…you traitor.

Superman wrote:
[quote]Marvel Girl wrote:
Join the club Rogue, thats why I ditched my DC Comics titles.

…you traitor.[/quote]

*Checks name of site* And what are YOU doing here Distinguished Competition boy?

Superman wrote:
She just said it like “Oh, I ditched my DC titles” as if it’s the fat kid that always tries to join your group of friends whenever you hang out.

You sound Familiar…

Superman wrote:
She just said it like “Oh, I ditched my DC titles” as if it’s the fat kid that always tries to join your group of friends whenever you hang out.

That’s rather offensive to fat kids! You were mean to fat kids? What, did they steal your food?

Green Goblin wrote:
She just said it like “Oh, I ditched my DC titles” as if it’s the fat kid that always tries to join your group of friends whenever you hang out.

That’s rather offensive to fat kids! You were mean to fat kids? What, did they steal your food? [/quote]

No, they like to say stupid stuff, like “OMG GREEDO SHOOTS FIRST U DUMMY”.

Ultimates 2 Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Fantastic Four Ultimate X-Men Marvel Knights Spider-Man Marvel Knights 4 Wolverine New Avengers New Thunderbolts She-Hulk Captain America Pulse Spectacular Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man Spider-Girl Young Avengers Astonishing X-Men Fantastic Four Supreme Power

I think thats it….

Top Ten Favorite Ongoing Titiles (updated 3/26) 1. New Avengers 2. Supreme Power 3. Marvel Knights Spider-Man 4. Ultimates 5. Astonishing X-Men 6. Ultimate Spider-Man 7. Captain America 8. Amazing Spider-Man 9. Fantastic Four 10. Runaways

Edited by kgcarini on 26-02-05 03:57

Ultimate: Spider-Man, Ultimate: X-Men, The Ultimates and thats it for my Marvel list. I’m not crazy, I’m just a little


For a kid on a 40 dollar monthly budget: X-Men Atonishing X-Men Uncanny X-Men Ultimate X-Men Excalibur Exiles Nightcrawler New Avengers X4 Phoenix: Endsong X-Force Mystique (I think) Cable/Deadpool (Starting with Enema of the State)

Thats not really that much…Maybe its books like Uncanny, Excalibur, and X4 that make me feel like I’m wasting my money…Man those books suck but I can’t give up my Marvel!

Okay, I need to update my list since She-Hulk was cancelled and I am going to treat Spectacular Spider-Man as if it was cancalled seeing that the last issue comes out in April. Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Fantastic Four Ultimates Ultimate X-Men Marvel Knights Spider-Man Marvel Knights 4 Wolverine Supreme Power Spider-Girl Young Avengers New Avengers New Thunderbolts Amazing Spider-Man Pulse Captain America Fantastic Four Runaways Astonishing X-Men

Top Ten Favorite Ongoing Titiles (updated 3/26) 1. New Avengers 2. Supreme Power 3. Marvel Knights Spider-Man 4. Ultimates 5. Astonishing X-Men 6. Ultimate Spider-Man 7. Captain America 8. Amazing Spider-Man 9. Fantastic Four

10. Runaways