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Author Ironman: regular monthly series
Ms Marvel


Posts: 23


Houston, Texas



I’ve been really getting into Ironman the last few months. Tony’s becoming United States Secretary of Defense, fighting his sentient armor, the repercussions of the Avengers’ break up and reformation. And now the prospect of stepping down as the head of his company have all been great storylines. Has anyone else been reading this title? And if so what do you think of the direction it’s going in?
Author RE: Ironman: regular monthly series


Posts: 123


Tallahassee, Florida



I have, I’ve always liked Ironman. But your right Ms. Marvel it is getting better than it’s been in awhile. I hope the current creative team sticks around for the forseeable future.

Author RE: Ironman: regular monthly series


Posts: 89


Staunton, VA



I just got the Tales of Supense for only a buck at my comic shop. it has the first issues to Captain America #1 and Iron Man #1. I really enjoyed the Iron Man part. I didn’t think i would. It was a good surprise. I know i won’t get the comic monthly; however I will probably pick up the trade paperback when the first arc or two is done. Ellis sure does write a very interesting iron man. i wonder what that stuff was that the person got injected with. He looks like a vampire! The art was great too! Top Ten Favorite Ongoing Titiles (updated 3/26) 1. New Avengers 2. Supreme Power 3. Marvel Knights Spider-Man 4. Ultimates 5. Astonishing X-Men 6. Ultimate Spider-Man 7. Captain America 8. Amazing Spider-Man 9. Fantastic Four

10. Runaways

I’m a big Ironman fan so I do suggest picking it up. It’s not the most popular Marvel comic, but it’s a great read.

Connell attached the following image:

Not at all, in fact the current story is easy to understand. An old friend of Tony’s was working on a techo-version of the super soldier formula for the government. A higher up gave it to some mercinaries and now it’s up to Iron Man to stop them. A great read!

Iron Man attached the following image:

Seems like I’ve seen that particular story before.