Marvel Megasite

Taken from Newsarama Press Release Marvel Comics is thrilled to announce that amazing artist Manuel Garcia has accepted an exclusive contract with the House of Ideas. Garcia first worked for Marvel on the DAREDEVIL film adaptation. From there it was an issue of AVENGERS, a short stint on THUNDERBOLTS and then on to wowing ‘em as regular penciller on MYSTIQUE, the X-title chronicling the adventures of that mutant bad girl. His latest project is SPIDER-MAN: BREAKOUT, with writer Tony Bedard. This new Spidey miniseries, beginning in April, is sure to excite fans of the red-hot NEW AVENGERS title — as BREAKOUT spins directly out of the pages of NEW AVENGERS.

“Its like a dream come true,” says Garcia. “I’m doing what I have been dreaming to do all my life…and as a creator it’s very important to know that these guys at Marvel trust your work. On the other hand this………