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Marvel Megasite
Posted by kgcarini on April 22 2005 – 00:48:11
Taken from Newarama
At his messageboard, Brian Bendis has clarified the schedule of New Avengers, which has seen issues #4 and #5 slide from their originally scheduled dates, with Steve McNiven coming on board as the penciller starting with issue #7. Bendis posted, “It is not a permanent thing. one of the reasons Steve McNiven is already at work on the second arc is so David Finch can………… Extended News go right from issue #6 to issue #10. ”So yes, we are dragging a little bit now but its all about bringing you the highest quality. these scripts are a bitch to draw. lots of characters in each panel. but with Mcniven’s fill ins we will be back on a normal schedule very, very soon.” Bendis also added that the alternate covers for Steve McNiven’s arc (#7-#9) which focuses on The Sentry will be by Dave Cockrum (#7), John Romita Sr. (#8 – a wedding cover at character creator Paul Jenkins’ request), and Marie Severin (#9). As Bendis posted, “If you do not know these names, please go find out who they are. They are true greats. ”These special alt covers are not New Avengers covers, but ‘Startling Stories’ covers on New Avengers – that is the comic the Sentry appeared in that no one can find. I do not know what the ordering plan is. if you don’t like alt covers, don’t buy them.” Continuing the Silver Age theme of the arc, issue #7 will contain a sequence by Sal Buscema, which Bendis said will be his last retro segment ever. Bendis also added that the long-delayed Wha Huh?!? will ship in July. Additionally, the videogame Bendis has been working on for the past year and a half will be announced shortly, and will be featured on the cover of Playstation Magazine that ships the same week as E3 in May. Finally, as to Brian K. Vaughan’s tease about an Ultimate project: “I know BKV has been hinting at some Ultimate project that I and Mark Millar are involved in. it is not as reported elsewhere a handbook or guide. All I will say for now is that BKV is a very generous bastard! And I like Mark Brooks.”