Marvel Megasite

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Welcome to the Marvel Megasite
General Chat

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

9 29 24-04-05 02:22

by Connell


Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

1 3 09-04-05 05:07

by Connell

Marvel Questions & Answers

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

1 5 18-03-05 21:11

by Trevor Cates

This Week’s Releases

Diamond’s Marvel list of what’s out this week.
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot, kgcarini

4 18 27-04-05 20:37

by Connell

Marvel Comics Forum Categories
Marvel Knights

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

3 34 26-04-05 21:38

by Zero

Marvel Max

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

3 30 26-04-05 19:04

by kgcarini

Ultimate Marvel

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

1 19 26-04-05 14:39

by kgcarini

Classic Marvel Heroes

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

3 34 26-04-05 04:04

by jade

Other Marvel Heroes/Misc.

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

7 69 26-04-05 18:13

by fan4life

Fantastic Four

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

3 34 27-04-05 00:50

by kgcarini

Captain America

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

2 16 26-04-05 18:49

by Super Soldier


Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

3 23 22-04-05 01:19

by kgcarini


Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

1 8 24-04-05 02:07

by The Watcher


Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

5 81 27-04-05 18:48

by Connell


Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

6 76 28-04-05 00:13

by Professor X


Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

1 4 11-04-05 17:21

by Connell

Interactive Member’s Forum
Fan art gallery

Post your original fan art
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot

1 5 24-04-05 03:28

by Rogue

Soothsayer’s Forum

Make your predictions on whats ahead for your favorite Marvel characters.
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot

5 9 24-04-05 23:18

by Cannonball

Fan Fiction Archives

Write and post your original Marvel Tales.
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot

1 1 06-04-05 16:33

by Connell

Create a Hero!

Create your very own Super-Hero!
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot

1 6 25-04-05 00:04

by Cannonball

Create your own Super-Villain

Design & Create your very own comic book baddie!
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot

1 1 06-04-05 16:58

by Connell

Your Favorite Marvel Moment

Tell us about your favorite moment in Marvel history.
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot

1 4 14-04-05 01:52

by Marvel Zombie

Marvel Movies & Television Forum
General Movie Chat

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Connell, Mister Fantastic

11 74 25-04-05 04:55

by Connell

Up and Coming Releases

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

0 0 No Posts

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

1 16 26-04-05 04:23

by Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner

Marvel Collectibles Forum
Marvel Heroes Collectibles

Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell

3 6 25-04-05 19:54

by Captain Confederacy

– Forum with new posts since last visit.
– Forum with no new posts since last visit.