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Author Least Favorite X-Man
Captain America


Posts: 106




Mine would have to be Gambit. He’s from a dark time in comics when it was style over substance. He has no depth, and the character just flat out annoys me.

Edited by Captain America on 30-01-05 21:04

Author RE: Least favorite X-Man
Jean Grey


Posts: 26


Holly Springs, Mississippi



The original Thunderbird, he was too much like a junior league Wolverine. Which I think is why they killed him off so quickly.
Author RE: Least favorite X-Man


Posts: 27


Chillicothe, Ohio



Gambit?!? who said Gambit?!? style over substance? Remy is one of the most in depth characters of the X-men, his background is way more indept than… Bobby drake’s or even Rogue’s for that matter.

Anyway, my least favorite is/are the x-babies… could we get alittle more cheesy?

Crayon Pirate wrote:
Gambit?!? who said Gambit?!? style over substance? Remy is one of the most in depth characters of the X-men, his background is way more indept than… Bobby drake’s or even Rogue’s for that matter.?

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

Pretty much, yeah. The character’s an annoyance. Overhyped and overrated, like Wolverine. I’m a fan of obscure characters, and there are plenty of obscure characters who are well thought out and deserve their time in the spotlight. One such charatcer is the Sentry. I’m hoping that his spotlight will help bring out more obscure heroes.
For me it was Calvin Rankin, the Mimic what a piece of work he was. Wasn’t even a mutant, he got his powers as the result of a scientific experiment. Then thought he could just show up and take over as team leader. What a guy! Is it cold in here?


Posts: 137


Caldecott Co., Mississippi



Least favorite X-Man? huh? I like them all!

If I HAVE to choose I’ll pick Sage. Now there is a boring character.

Iceman wrote:
For me it was Calvin Rankin, the Mimic what a piece of work he was. Wasn’t even a mutant, he got his powers as the result of a scientific experiment. Then thought he could just show up and take over as team leader. What a guy! He was meant to be a prick, that’s what was so fun about him. Recently they’ve been exploring that the lab accident might of unleashed his mutant powers and that he actually is a mutant, but eh.
How is gambit over hyped? i dont know if youve noticed but he didnt even make it into the movies. he doesnt get much time in the spot light and only recently because of rogues popularity and he happens to be her love. i think your just jealous cause he is cooler than sentry. i think your one of those people who hate every thing popular. well ive learned that there are quite a few over rated things that become popular because of media hype but some things are popular because they are good. Gambit has a well thought out and executed character (asside from the new on going series) and i believe his popularity i due to that. you cant explain it through media hype or anything else because he’s not in the media, you dont see him on the normal pictures of the group of x-men, he wasnt in the movie, he isnt in more than one or two x-titles at a time, and you dont see him on lunch boxes. sorry, he is just a good character and it shows. if you can explain how his is over hyped and overrated other than slapping the big words down, id love to hear it. Gambit compared to wolverine? i dont see it. wolverine is in every x-title, in ever x-men picture from school folders and lunchboxes to anything with the x symbol on it while gambit, had it not been for the 2 or 3 refferences in the cartoon and new ultimate series, would not even be a widely known character. i role played gambit on star wars galaxies for over a year and 90% of the people didnt even know who that was. so tell me again how his is overrated and overhyped?

Edited by Remy Lebeau on 02-02-05 19:31

Callisto… i think she is one of my least faves now. she use to be cool but what is up with the squid arms… i know theyve been wanting to do more freak type mutants but dont change an old one to a freak.

poor bobby drake is really getting the raw end of that trend lately. if his life wasnt pathetic enough with the doctor shooting him down and then hitting on polaris, now he is solid ice 24/7. i liked him better when he was quirky and happy. now he is a drama queen.

The Sentry wrote:
I’m a fan of obscure characters, and there are plenty of obscure characters who are well thought out and deserve their time in the spotlight.

and in your eyes this statement doesnt even make sense. Gambit was an obscure character until he got his chance in the spotlight, now you hate him for it. how does that work? sounds alittle hypocritical. Its as if you like a character until he gets that chance in the spot light, then once other people see he is a good character well thats the end of him.

its like the hard core punk fans who love a certain punk band until they get popular. as if popularity is a crime.

Remy Lebeau wrote:
[quote]The Sentry wrote:
I’m a fan of obscure characters, and there are plenty of obscure characters who are well thought out and deserve their time in the spotlight.

and in your eyes this statement doesnt even make sense. Gambit was an obscure character until he got his chance in the spotlight, now you hate him for it. how does that work? sounds alittle hypocritical. Its as if you like a character until he gets that chance in the spot light, then once other people see he is a good character well thats the end of him. its like the hard core punk fans who love a certain punk band until they get popular. as if popularity is a crime.[/quote] He was never an obscure character. He was always in the open.

wow… im glad you had that response well thought out… how was he in the open? his relationship with sinister was a hidden past, and alot of mystery still surrounds his past. if you mean he was always popular thats hard to be true. should that response even be excepted as true, you didnt explain it, nor did you comment on the “over rated and over hyped” statement…

I dub thee the king of one line responses that explain nothing.

Maybe I just have a natural dislike for the character, like your’s for Callisto. The accent, the eyes, the smoking a carton a day…bleh.