
  • Free DC Comics Superman Wallpapers Online

    Sponsored DC Comics Wallpapers Results:

    Some fans just can’t wait to open their comic books to see their favorite character in action. DC Comics has thankfully allowed their characters to be immortalized in wallpaper form; with DC Comics wallpapers, fans can now see their heroes as soon as they wake up in the morning.Due to the increased personalization of the computer, the term wallpaper now has two meanings. The traditional, more literal definition still applies, but wallpaper also refers to the background on a computer’s desktop. In the world of DC Comics wallpapers, the latter type of wallpaper is more common, but physical wallpaper featuring superheroes like Batman can still be sought out.DC stalwart Superman appears on DC Comics wallpapers for both computer and home. One particular design features the Man of Steel’s triangular red S logo repeating on a white background; the photo shows the wallpaper used with an appliqué of Superman himself breaking through the tiny logos and flying upward to save the day (this appliqué is sold separately and costs $54.99 online). Another one of the DC Comics wallpapers features the city of Metropolis and the colossal globe structure adorning Clark Kent’s place of work, The Daily Planet. The flying Superman appliqué is also shown complimenting this design.For a more subtle touch, DC Comics wallpapers come in border designs to simply outline the room. Border wallpaper featuring Batman in various poses costs $12.99 per one pound spool online at Amazon. A spool runs 15 feet long and seven inches wide, and this wallpaper is vinyl coated and pre-pasted. Some Superman fans use the border in conjunction with the full size DC Comics wallpapers, but it works by itself, too. Comic book fandom isn’t limited to the men; Supergirl borders from are available for female fans of the comic books who want to outline their room with something feminine.It’s not difficult to find free wallpaper online. A simple Google search yields over 1,000,000 results for DC Comics wallpapers. Endless designs are available with lesser-known characters like Supergirl and Green Lantern in addition to famous creations like Superman, Lois Lane, and Batman. Fans shouldn’t feel guilty about snagging a free download from a random site hawking desktop patterns – DC Comics wallpapers are free even on the official DC website. DC Comics wallpapers even feature animated renderings of scantily clad women like Danger Girl as wallpaper for the high school or college-age male. Cult movie hits like Snakes On A Plane are compressed into wallpaper form as well.Since the DC Comics wallpapers online are free, fans shouldn’t feel like they are violating some copyright law by freely taking an image for personal use. No one is making any money; not even DC themselves charge for this sort of thing on their site. In short, DC Comics wallpapers are free online. DC Comics wallpapers in the physical form, however, come at a price.Sources:

    Superman and Supergirl Borders, Murals, Wall Accents. FYHome. 18 June 2007. .asp?id=1661

    Downloads: Desktop Patterns. DC Comics. 18 June 2007.

    DC Comics Cartoon Batman in Gotham Wallpaper. 1996-2007. 18 June 2007. am-Wallpaper/dp/B000AP59SS

  • Free DC Comics Superman Wallpapers Online

    Sponsored DC Comics Wallpapers Results:

    Some fans just can’t wait to open their comic books to see their favorite character in action. DC Comics has thankfully allowed their characters to be immortalized in wallpaper form; with DC Comics wallpapers, fans can now see their heroes as soon as they wake up in the morning.Due to the increased personalization of the computer, the term wallpaper now has two meanings. The traditional, more literal definition still applies, but wallpaper also refers to the background on a computer’s desktop. In the world of DC Comics wallpapers, the latter type of wallpaper is more common, but physical wallpaper featuring superheroes like Batman can still be sought out.DC stalwart Superman appears on DC Comics wallpapers for both computer and home. One particular design features the Man of Steel’s triangular red S logo repeating on a white background; the photo shows the wallpaper used with an appliqué of Superman himself breaking through the tiny logos and flying upward to save the day (this appliqué is sold separately and costs $54.99 online). Another one of the DC Comics wallpapers features the city of Metropolis and the colossal globe structure adorning Clark Kent’s place of work, The Daily Planet. The flying Superman appliqué is also shown complimenting this design.For a more subtle touch, DC Comics wallpapers come in border designs to simply outline the room. Border wallpaper featuring Batman in various poses costs $12.99 per one pound spool online at Amazon. A spool runs 15 feet long and seven inches wide, and this wallpaper is vinyl coated and pre-pasted. Some Superman fans use the border in conjunction with the full size DC Comics wallpapers, but it works by itself, too. Comic book fandom isn’t limited to the men; Supergirl borders from are available for female fans of the comic books who want to outline their room with something feminine.It’s not difficult to find free wallpaper online. A simple Google search yields over 1,000,000 results for DC Comics wallpapers. Endless designs are available with lesser-known characters like Supergirl and Green Lantern in addition to famous creations like Superman, Lois Lane, and Batman. Fans shouldn’t feel guilty about snagging a free download from a random site hawking desktop patterns – DC Comics wallpapers are free even on the official DC website. DC Comics wallpapers even feature animated renderings of scantily clad women like Danger Girl as wallpaper for the high school or college-age male. Cult movie hits like Snakes On A Plane are compressed into wallpaper form as well.Since the DC Comics wallpapers online are free, fans shouldn’t feel like they are violating some copyright law by freely taking an image for personal use. No one is making any money; not even DC themselves charge for this sort of thing on their site. In short, DC Comics wallpapers are free online. DC Comics wallpapers in the physical form, however, come at a price.Sources:

    Superman and Supergirl Borders, Murals, Wall Accents. FYHome. 18 June 2007. .asp?id=1661

    Downloads: Desktop Patterns. DC Comics. 18 June 2007.

    DC Comics Cartoon Batman in Gotham Wallpaper. 1996-2007. 18 June 2007. am-Wallpaper/dp/B000AP59SS

  • DC Comics: Superman Comic Books, Kent Clark and Lois Lane

    Long hot rides in the back of the station wagon on vacation were made tolerable by comic books. Kids in the 50s, 60s and 70s valued a new comic book much as kids today value a new video game. The newest comic book of a favorite superhero was as hotly anticipated as the next Harry Potter book. Comic books are still enjoyed today by millions of kids as well as by adults who never lost the taste for superhero adventure.DC Comics first published comic books in 1935, and the first Superman comic was published in 1938. Superman was the first of the superhero DC comics. Today the original Superman comic book is worth a lot more than the ten cents it originally cost; a 1938 near mint condition Superman comic is valued between $350,000 and $440,000. DC Comics has been publishing Superman continuously since 1938, and the current issue number is #665.The success of Superman led DC Comics to develop many other superhero comic books as well. Superhero characters that DC Comics created include Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Plastic Man among others. Yet Superman remains the supreme superhero to this day.Superman’s story wasn’t complete when he first appeared in 1938, and has evolved over time. Before the Man of Steel hit the comic book scene, the creators of Superman originally cast Superman in the role of a villain. This story was rejected by publishers, so Superman was recast as a heroic figure. Through the years, Superman’s life story has been developed in DC Comics to include his early years involving his journey to Earth from the planet Krypton, and his adoption by the Kents, a childless couple in Smallville, USA. Superman is given the name Clark, his mother’s maiden name, and he is raised by the  Kents while learning to use his super powers.DC Comics place the adult Clark Kent at the Daily Star newspaper working as a reporter. Superman hides behind his meek and clumsy alter ego, dashing into closets and phone booths to change into his Superman costume whenever trouble arises. DC Comics integrated romance into the story from the very first issue by creating Lois Lane, Superman’s love interest and fellow reporter at the Daily Planet. They couple eventually married later in the series.The Superman of DC Comics personifies the American dream and exemplifies many American values. Superman is strong and handsome, kind and gentle, heroic yet humble. Superman hides his super powers and only uses them for good, but he is always ready to help and save the day. DC Comics has ridden the capes of their superheroes to the top of the world of comic books, radio, television, and movies. Superman may be 70 years old, but he is still the Man of Steel and DC Comics does not show any signs of letting him retire.Sources:

    “Clark Kent.” Wikipedia. 17 July 2007. 20 July 2007.

    Comics: July ’07. Superman #664. DC Comics. 20 July 2007.

    “Lois Lane.” Wikipedia. 19 July 2007. 20 July 2007.

    “History of Superman.” Wikipedia. 2007. 20 July 2007.

    “First Appearance.” Wikipedia. 28 June 2007. 20 July 2007.

    The Ten Most valuable Comic Books in the World. 2006-2007. 20 July 2007. books.html

     About. DC Comics.20 July 2007.

  • Supermans Kryptonite Weakness: DC Comics, Movies, 3 Doors Down and Kryptonite Song Lyrics

    Sponsored Kryptonite Results:

    It’s not uncommon for pop culture to have an effect on our language and the slang terms that are introduced into society. It’s natural for people to imitate the people they observe on television and in magazines. This is because we take great interest in pop culture icons. We become attached to their world, and start to combine elements from the fictional world and make them metaphors in our own.The majority of the public, who were not comic book fans, got their introduction to Kryptonite from the first Superman movie. The film was a wide scaled success and Superman was everywhere. Little kids wanted to be him for Halloween, women everywhere wanted to be Lois Lane and have their own Clark Kent, and when somebody did something extraordinary they were referred to as Superman. While Superman was blowing up culturally from the first Superman movie, so was the idea of Superman’s weakness, Kryptonite. Kryptonite is a material usually shown in rock form that came with Superman to Earth from his home planet of Krypton.In the movie, Superman’s nemesis, Lex Luthor, is growing tired of Superman always getting in the way of his evil plans. So, Luthor has to find a way to get Superman off his back. He discovers that the seemingly indestructible Superman actually does have a weakness, Kryptonite.Luthor ventures to Ethiopia to steal a piece of Kryptonite from a museum. He eventually gets it around Superman’s neck , and throws him into swimming pool so he is rendered useless. Luthor does this because when exposed to Kryptonite, Superman’s powers are ineffective. All of his superhuman strength and senses disappear and he is often times hurt or weakened.Due to its appearance in the film, Kryptonite gained its pop culture status and would become part of everyday vocabulary, even though it is a fictional substance. When somebody had a weakness it was called his or her Kryptonite, just like Superman’s weakness. Some people even believed that Kryptonite was a real element and had the atomic number of 126, the number it was given in later Superman adventures. Of course there were Superman adventures before the Superman movie, and Kryptonite has been there ever since the first adventure. Superman was around as a radio show in 1943, and Kryptonite storylines would be included to give the actors a chance to rest their voices, but it would rise to its popularity when it was taken on as a comic book.Superman is part of DC Comic Books and has been around since 1949. It gained extreme popularity throughout the 1950’s and the Kryptonite storyline had plenty to do with it. Originally, DC Comic Books had Kryptonite as a red substance, rather than the green substance that has been more commonly known as. DC Comic Books still makes variations of the Superman comic today as well as many adaptations to television.One of the more popular pop culture references of Superman and Kryptonite was seen in the 3 Doors Down song, “Kryptonite. “The Kryptonite song lyrics reference the singer being called Superman and how he is starting to go crazy. He is only going crazy because of somebody that he cannot be around anymore because they make him weak, just like Kryptonite made Superman weak. The Kryptonite song lyrics show how people have made the connection between Kryptonite and their own lives.Just like many things in pop culture, Kryptonite has become a metaphor for people in real world. They have taken a fictional element from a comic book and made it into something real. It is an interesting concept and shows that just because something is fantasy and art, it can still relate to reality and what people go through.Sources:

    “Kryptonite.” Wikipedia. 19 June 2007. 19 June 2007. _versions

    3 Doors Down-Kryptonite. SongMeanings. 2000-2007. 19 June 2007.< br />Wilson, Tracy V. “How Kryptonite Works.” HowStuffWorks, Inc. 1998-2007. 19 June2007.

  • Superman Costumes, Belt Buckles, Halloween Costumes and Birthday Party Themes

    Superman, what more is there to say? He is the ultimate superhero. Superman is everything men want to be, he is the man who women and girls want to marry, and he has all the qualities that little boys aspire to. Superman is handsome with a good physique, he’s strong, invincible, mild, and humble and he can even fly! So many dreams all wrapped up into one man.Superman has such an all-American image that he even gets teased by his fellow superheroes who refer to him as the Blue Boy Scout. Superman costumes are popular today which may be surprising when one considers that Superman was first introduced in Action Comics in 1938, six years after he was created by Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Schuster. Since the birth of his creation, Superman costumes have been worn for nearly seventy years.Kids love Superman costumes. The man of steel image that is reinforced by the morally strong Clark Kent, the bumbling, shy newspaperman, represents irresistible and timeless themes for kids and adults alike. Superman costumes are sold for every age group. There are infant superman costumes and a Superman bunting costs about $25. Superman costumes for children cost around $40,and includes a muscle chest enhancement that makes a skinny legged little guy look like a body builder on toothpicks. It is even possible to dress a pooch as Superdog for only $20.Adult Superman costumes are also popular around Halloween. It seems that people never grow out of wanting to be Superman. Halloween costumes for adults cost around $43 for the tights and the cape. Accessories are even available for those who want the the ability to transform from mild mannered Clark Kent with his horn-rimmed glasses (about $3) into sleek Superman costumes. Superman costumes can even include a plastic wig that simulates his wind-proof, curly-locked hairdo for about $15.It is popular these days to have a Superman theme birthday party where all the children come in Superman costumes. A variety of accoutrements are available for that Superman birthday party that makes everyone believe they are on Planet Krypton. Start off with Superman birthday party invitations and don’t forget the Superman thank you cards because Superman would never forget his manners. Superman plates, cups, napkins, banners and streamers in matching colors are all part of creating the Superman atmosphere. All the party necessities are available in a pack that accommodates a party of eight rambunctious second graders in Superman costumes for about $38. Add to this Superman birthday party favors including stickers, a ring, Superman pencil, and even a wacky whirler for about $4 per bag. Then just blow up the balloons to finish off that Superman theme atmosphere to perfection.Guests of a Superman party might wonder what to bring as a gift for that man of steel. One idea that the birthday kid will appreciate are Superman belt buckles for a reasonable $25. Superman belt buckles are made of handsome pewter with the Superman “S” logo and baked enamel finish.Fortunately the Internet provides easy access to vendors of Superman costumes, party accessories, and gifts. Some of the online retailers offering Superman merchandise are Costumes or Halloween Costumes 4 Birthday in a Sells party supplies, and Body sells Superman belt buckles. Shopping online for Superman costumes saves time and offers the convenience of shopping many vendors quickly for the best price.Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…Superman costumes turn ordinary people into the Man of Tomorrow, the Last Son of Krypton. Superman costumes produce images of truth justice and the American way, the ultimate Robin Hood, the invincible King Arthur, the bullet proof Indiana Jones all wrapped up in one red cape. Superman costumes let everyone participate in the fun, fantasy and legend that is the man from Krypton.Sources:

    Superman Sale. Birthday in a Box. 2007. Kaboose. 18 June 2007. me-dept_id-247-cat_id-5

    Licensed Superman Classic Logo Belt Buckle. Body Candy Body Jewelry.2007 Cybercartel International Inc. 18 June 2007.

    Sueprhero Costumes. Costumes Inc. 18 June 2007. s.html

    Muscle Chest Kids Superman Costume. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. ermanMuscle.html

    Superman Bunting. Halloween Costumes for Kids. 2001. 18 June 2007. erman_bunt.html

    “Superman.” Wikipedia. 17 June 2007. 18 June 2007.

  • Batman vs Superman: DC Comics, Heros and Movies

    Sponsored Superman Results:

    The question is as old as the comics themselves. In a fight, who would win? Batman or Superman? The answer seems quite simple. Bruce Wayne, Batman’s alter ego, is just a normal, if extremely wealthy, man. Superman is Kal El, the last son of Krypton. He has super strength, heat vision, and super speed. How is it even a question? Well, as in any comics universe, things aren’t always as simple as they seem.Superman has been the staple of the DC Comic empire since his introduction in 1938. Since then, there have been thousands of comic books, novels, popular television series, cartoons, and seven feature films. That’s not even counting the billion dollar Superman marketing machine. Batman first appeared in 1939, and achieved similar success outside the DC Comics universe; radio shows, a classic TV series, movies, and eight Batman films.Despite their similar historical backgrounds, one might wonder why anyone could possibly give the nod to Batman in the hero fight. One big reason is that Superman lacks the cunning and killer instinct that Batman possesses. Superman is all about understanding and reform, even for his fiercest opponents. Batman may usually give his enemies the same quarter as any other hero, but when push comes to shove, he is a character based on revenge.Everyone knows that Superman is weakened by Kryptonite, and the comics have proven that he can be killed. With Batman having access to amazing technologies, it’s not hard to imagine that Batman could create some kryptonite gadget to weaken Superman, and he would have the opportunity to finish him off. As seen in the last Superman movie, once he’s weakened enough, Superman is a sitting duck.As far as marketability, the two superheroes are about equal. Superman is perhaps a more iconic character, but his latest film met with limited financial and critical success, while the last Batman movie has revitalized interest in the franchise. Very likely because of the more serious and gritty nature of the latest Batman movie, it has found a new and more adult audience. Superman, however, has a distinct advantage in the TV realm, thanks to the continued success of the CW network’s “Smallville.”While comic book fans will always argue who the better hero is, DC Comics has tried to bring the Superman vs. Batman story to theaters several times over the past few years. A very solid script was passed around Hollywood after Batman Begins and Superman Returns hit the production line, but it has yet to get a studio green light. There is a good chance that if Warner Brothers doesn’t want to mix the film franchises, that they will produce a cartoon feature based on this script.Whether the Man of Steel or the Caped Crusader would win in a fight is really subjective. Fans of the series will say, of course, that their favorite hero would win the fight. Thankfully fans won’t have to worry, as a real fight to the death between the two heroes is highly unlikely. But in terms of pure speculation, one has to admit that while Batman would stand a better chance than it would seem, Superman would definitely win a straight fight.Sources:

    Superman Through the Ages. 2007. 18 June 2007.

    Batman. Who2Biography. 2007. June 2007. rhero?cat=entertainment.
    The Dark Knight Returns. Patrick Furlong Productions. 9 June 2006. 18 June 2007.
    Morris, Clint. “Peterson Still Wants Batman Vs Superman.” 20 March 2006. 18 June 2007. ill_wants_batman_vs.html.

  • Smallville TV Series: Superman, Clark Kent and Season 5

    Sponsored Smallville Results:

    “Smallville” is a TV series chronicling the life of a teenage Clark Kent before he becomes Superman. Premiering on October 16th, 2001, “Smallville” has endured six seasons on the WB network, with an average number of viewers at 5 million a week. The TV series has helped launch the careers of many up and coming actors including Tom Welling and Kristen Kreuk, who play respectively Clark Kent and Lana Lang. In its six years on the air, “Smallville” has been nominated for a multitude of TV series awards including Best Television Series five times running from the Teen Choice awards. Actor Michael Rosenbaum took home an award for Best Supporting Actor in a TV Series for his portrayal of the villainous Lex Luthor, while Tom Welling has been nominated for Best Actor in a TV Series for his part as Clark Kent.With 8.4 million viewers tuning in for the pilot episode, it is not hard to see how the show has become such a phenomenon. The Superman franchise has endured since Joel Siegel and Joe Shuester first introduced the man of steel in 1932, partly due to his middle American upbringing and appeal and All-American qualities. With “Smallville,” the audience is allowed to see another side to Superman, a young and confused teenager who is trying to cope with his superhuman powers while being a confused high schooler. The TV series allows for a connectedness with young viewers as the hero is confronted with everyday teenage challenges such as relationships and peer pressure, portraying Superman in a greater human light than ever before.In “Smallville,” Clark Kent is just as bumbling and addled as his peers. He has yet to fully grow into his Superman superpowers, and is trying to make sense of who he is, just as much as any other troubled teenager. This is where the creators of “Smallville” have succeeded: taking a monolithic and iconic figure and exercising his weaknesses and fears, i.e., making a God among men merely mortal. This dualism of Clark Kent and Superman plays an interesting parallel for the human condition, the face a person shows at work, and who they are at home. The “Smallville” version of Clark Kent embodies this dichotomy perfectly and in a way that is empathetic to youth who feel that they are misunderstood. The show has naturally progressed from themes of teen ridden angst to characters heading off to college and encountering the trials of young adulthood.“Smallville Season 5″ was released on DVD in September of 2006, in the midst of Season 6. The finale of Season 6 wrapped up in the end of May 2007, with Warner Studios already planning the film shoot of next season episodes. All five seasons of  the TV series can be bought on, although die hard fans will have to wait until September 18, 2007 until Season 6 is released. Season 7 is expected to start airing this Fall.Sources:

    Krypton Site. 19 June 2007.

    Smallville. The CW. 2006. The CW Television Network. 19 June 2007.

    Smallville TV Series in DVD. 1997-2007. 19 June 2007. -8809225?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords

  • Smallville Music Theme Song, Soundtrack and Ringtones

    “Somebody save me, Let your waters break right through, Somebody save me.”To some those words may look like nothing more than lyrics to an unknown song, but to fans of the television show “Smallville,” they are much more than that. They are what mark the beginning of a new adventure that fans sit down to experience once a week. Like music on any television show or movie the Smallville music is what gives the television show more of a cinematic element, or in other words, a step up from reality.

    There have been many different songs featured during each episode of “Smallville,” but the theme song is the epitome of all the Smallville music. When fans hear that song they come running to their television sets. The name of the theme song is “Save Me” and it is preformed by a band called Remy Zero. The song doesn’t have any specific mention to the show, but fits along with it quite well. After all, the show’s main character is Superman, whose life work is to go around and save people who are in trouble. Even though the song ties in with the show, it isn’t the first and last word in the book of Smallville music.

    “Smallville” has also released two soundtrack albums with songs featured on or inspired by the show. The first Smallville soundtrack album is called Smallville Vol. 1: The Talon Mix. The album was released in 2003 and features twelve songs from the television show including “Save Me.” Smallville Vol. 2: Metropolis Mix is the name of the second Smallville soundtrack album. The album has fourteen tracks on it and it was released on November 8, 2005. Even though a lot of the songs have been previously released on other albums, none of them were on the first soundtrack album.

    Unfortunately, not all of the Smallville music could be featured on the Smallville soundtracks. There have been many other popular artists who have had their music featured during the show. The list of songs and artists that could be categorized as Smallville music is a long one. Lifehouse, Sum 41, Fuel, the Pussycat Dolls, and Alien Ant Farm are just a few of the popular artists that have had music on the show. However, being Smallville music hasn’t gotten any of these artists any camera time, none of them have appeared on the show. At least getting their music onto an episode gets some of these Smallville music the exposure it needs. For some people, being able to relive their favorite Smallville music anywhere with access to a CD player just isn’t enough.

    How can one have the opportunity to hear Smallville music anytime they want, no matter what? Now there are even ringtones available which feature Smallville music. Smallville ringtones are easy to find and the process of downloading them onto a phone is just as easy. Like most ringtones, they are available through the Internet. For people that don’t have Internet access on their cell phones, they can access sites like or from their home computers. After selecting the name of their service provider and finding the song, a person just has to submit their cell phone number and the ringtone will reach the phone momentarily. It’s good to see that even when technology is moving faster than a speeding bullet, the man of steel has no problem keeping up.

    “Smallville” is the build up to the fictional superhero that has been admired and praised since the character first hit comic books and the public eye in 1938. The Superman on “Smallville” is the teenage Clark Kent, before he becomes the superhero in the red cape with the big letter S on his chest. “Smallville” is basically a prequel to just about everything else that been broadcast or published about Superman. Smallville music could be considered the soundtrack to Clark Kent’s life during his adolescent years. The song “Save Me” may be the big one when it comes to Smallville music, but it is also a foreshadowing to the legend that is Superman. Can the public expect more Smallville music to come, possibly a third soundtrack? Not even Superman himself could answer that question right now.


    Remy Zero Lyrics- Save Me (Smallville Theme Song) Lyrics. 18 June 2007. smallvillethemesong.htm

    Smallville, Vol. 1: The Talon Mix: Music: Various Artists. 1997-2007. 18 June 2007. /dp/B00007FRWZ

    Smallville, Vol. 2: Metropolis Mix: Music: Original TV Soundtrack. 1997-2007. 18 June 2007. Mix/dp/B000BBOVG2

    Smallville Ringtones. 18 June 2007. lle+ringtones&btnG=Search

    Superman Homepage. Steven Younis. 2007. 18 June 2007.

    Smallville Music List. 27 June 2007

  • Free DC Comics Superman Wallpapers Online

    Sponsored Free Wallpaper Online Results:

    Some fans just can’t wait to open their comic books to see their favorite character in action. DC Comics has thankfully allowed their characters to be immortalized in wallpaper form; with DC Comics wallpapers, fans can now see their heroes as soon as they wake up in the morning.Due to the increased personalization of the computer, the term wallpaper now has two meanings. The traditional, more literal definition still applies, but wallpaper also refers to the background on a computer’s desktop. In the world of DC Comics wallpapers, the latter type of wallpaper is more common, but physical wallpaper featuring superheroes like Batman can still be sought out.DC stalwart Superman appears on DC Comics wallpapers for both computer and home. One particular design features the Man of Steel’s triangular red S logo repeating on a white background; the photo shows the wallpaper used with an appliqué of Superman himself breaking through the tiny logos and flying upward to save the day (this appliqué is sold separately and costs $54.99 online). Another one of the DC Comics wallpapers features the city of Metropolis and the colossal globe structure adorning Clark Kent’s place of work, The Daily Planet. The flying Superman appliqué is also shown complimenting this design.For a more subtle touch, DC Comics wallpapers come in border designs to simply outline the room. Border wallpaper featuring Batman in various poses costs $12.99 per one pound spool online at Amazon. A spool runs 15 feet long and seven inches wide, and this wallpaper is vinyl coated and pre-pasted. Some Superman fans use the border in conjunction with the full size DC Comics wallpapers, but it works by itself, too. Comic book fandom isn’t limited to the men; Supergirl borders from are available for female fans of the comic books who want to outline their room with something feminine.It’s not difficult to find free wallpaper online. A simple Google search yields over 1,000,000 results for DC Comics wallpapers. Endless designs are available with lesser-known characters like Supergirl and Green Lantern in addition to famous creations like Superman, Lois Lane, and Batman. Fans shouldn’t feel guilty about snagging a free download from a random site hawking desktop patterns – DC Comics wallpapers are free even on the official DC website. DC Comics wallpapers even feature animated renderings of scantily clad women like Danger Girl as wallpaper for the high school or college-age male. Cult movie hits like Snakes On A Plane are compressed into wallpaper form as well.Since the DC Comics wallpapers online are free, fans shouldn’t feel like they are violating some copyright law by freely taking an image for personal use. No one is making any money; not even DC themselves charge for this sort of thing on their site. In short, DC Comics wallpapers are free online. DC Comics wallpapers in the physical form, however, come at a price.Sources:

    Superman and Supergirl Borders, Murals, Wall Accents. FYHome. 18 June 2007. .asp?id=1661

    Downloads: Desktop Patterns. DC Comics. 18 June 2007.

    DC Comics Cartoon Batman in Gotham Wallpaper. 1996-2007. 18 June 2007. am-Wallpaper/dp/B000AP59SS

  • Free DC Comics Superman Wallpapers Online

    Sponsored Superman Results:

    Some fans just can’t wait to open their comic books to see their favorite character in action. DC Comics has thankfully allowed their characters to be immortalized in wallpaper form; with DC Comics wallpapers, fans can now see their heroes as soon as they wake up in the morning.Due to the increased personalization of the computer, the term wallpaper now has two meanings. The traditional, more literal definition still applies, but wallpaper also refers to the background on a computer’s desktop. In the world of DC Comics wallpapers, the latter type of wallpaper is more common, but physical wallpaper featuring superheroes like Batman can still be sought out.DC stalwart Superman appears on DC Comics wallpapers for both computer and home. One particular design features the Man of Steel’s triangular red S logo repeating on a white background; the photo shows the wallpaper used with an appliqué of Superman himself breaking through the tiny logos and flying upward to save the day (this appliqué is sold separately and costs $54.99 online). Another one of the DC Comics wallpapers features the city of Metropolis and the colossal globe structure adorning Clark Kent’s place of work, The Daily Planet. The flying Superman appliqué is also shown complimenting this design.For a more subtle touch, DC Comics wallpapers come in border designs to simply outline the room. Border wallpaper featuring Batman in various poses costs $12.99 per one pound spool online at Amazon. A spool runs 15 feet long and seven inches wide, and this wallpaper is vinyl coated and pre-pasted. Some Superman fans use the border in conjunction with the full size DC Comics wallpapers, but it works by itself, too. Comic book fandom isn’t limited to the men; Supergirl borders from are available for female fans of the comic books who want to outline their room with something feminine.It’s not difficult to find free wallpaper online. A simple Google search yields over 1,000,000 results for DC Comics wallpapers. Endless designs are available with lesser-known characters like Supergirl and Green Lantern in addition to famous creations like Superman, Lois Lane, and Batman. Fans shouldn’t feel guilty about snagging a free download from a random site hawking desktop patterns – DC Comics wallpapers are free even on the official DC website. DC Comics wallpapers even feature animated renderings of scantily clad women like Danger Girl as wallpaper for the high school or college-age male. Cult movie hits like Snakes On A Plane are compressed into wallpaper form as well.Since the DC Comics wallpapers online are free, fans shouldn’t feel like they are violating some copyright law by freely taking an image for personal use. No one is making any money; not even DC themselves charge for this sort of thing on their site. In short, DC Comics wallpapers are free online. DC Comics wallpapers in the physical form, however, come at a price.Sources:

    Superman and Supergirl Borders, Murals, Wall Accents. FYHome. 18 June 2007. .asp?id=1661

    Downloads: Desktop Patterns. DC Comics. 18 June 2007.

    DC Comics Cartoon Batman in Gotham Wallpaper. 1996-2007. 18 June 2007. am-Wallpaper/dp/B000AP59SS