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Smallville TV Series: Superman, Clark Kent and Season 5
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“Smallville” is a TV series chronicling the life of a teenage Clark Kent before he becomes Superman. Premiering on October 16th, 2001, “Smallville” has endured six seasons on the WB network, with an average number of viewers at 5 million a week. The TV series has helped launch the careers of many up and coming actors including Tom Welling and Kristen Kreuk, who play respectively Clark Kent and Lana Lang. In its six years on the air, “Smallville” has been nominated for a multitude of TV series awards including Best Television Series five times running from the Teen Choice awards. Actor Michael Rosenbaum took home an award for Best Supporting Actor in a TV Series for his portrayal of the villainous Lex Luthor, while Tom Welling has been nominated for Best Actor in a TV Series for his part as Clark Kent.With 8.4 million viewers tuning in for the pilot episode, it is not hard to see how the show has become such a phenomenon. The Superman franchise has endured since Joel Siegel and Joe Shuester first introduced the man of steel in 1932, partly due to his middle American upbringing and appeal and All-American qualities. With “Smallville,” the audience is allowed to see another side to Superman, a young and confused teenager who is trying to cope with his superhuman powers while being a confused high schooler. The TV series allows for a connectedness with young viewers as the hero is confronted with everyday teenage challenges such as relationships and peer pressure, portraying Superman in a greater human light than ever before.In “Smallville,” Clark Kent is just as bumbling and addled as his peers. He has yet to fully grow into his Superman superpowers, and is trying to make sense of who he is, just as much as any other troubled teenager. This is where the creators of “Smallville” have succeeded: taking a monolithic and iconic figure and exercising his weaknesses and fears, i.e., making a God among men merely mortal. This dualism of Clark Kent and Superman plays an interesting parallel for the human condition, the face a person shows at work, and who they are at home. The “Smallville” version of Clark Kent embodies this dichotomy perfectly and in a way that is empathetic to youth who feel that they are misunderstood. The show has naturally progressed from themes of teen ridden angst to characters heading off to college and encountering the trials of young adulthood.“Smallville Season 5″ was released on DVD in September of 2006, in the midst of Season 6. The finale of Season 6 wrapped up in the end of May 2007, with Warner Studios already planning the film shoot of next season episodes. All five seasons of the TV series can be bought on, although die hard fans will have to wait until September 18, 2007 until Season 6 is released. Season 7 is expected to start airing this Fall.Sources:
Krypton Site. 19 June 2007.
Smallville. The CW. 2006. The CW Television Network. 19 June 2007.
Smallville TV Series in DVD. 1997-2007. 19 June 2007. -8809225?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords