Superman Costume

A Superman Costume is an outfit that both kids and grown men can appreciate. If you are searching around for a perfect outfit for your child or for yourself, then you need not look anymore. We offer Superman outfits for men and boys as well as Supergirl costumes for girls and women. We also genuinely believe that combining a Superman Costume and a Supergirl Costume in a duo or couples outfit would make for a great outing.

Halloween is coming soon and who better to be than a super hero?  We provide you with a state of the art Superman Costume in many different styles.  We also guarantee the lowest prices anywhere. Please check out all of the options we have to offer and be sure to read our many articles on Superman. You surely will learn some information you may not have known!

Our Superman Costume and Supergirl Costume collection

As we said in the beginning we offer outfits for boys, men, girls, women, and everyone in between. Let us start out by discussing our Superman Costume collection for the guys. We offer costumes for Superman in six different adult styles. There are deluxe outfits, ones with muscle chests, and much more. Browse the entire adult selection to find the go to Superman outfit this season. In addition to the adults we also have six different kids editions of Superman that mirror their adult counterparts. Perhaps your not up for a Superman Costume, then you may be a perfect fit for a Clark Kent Costume which we also have too!

Moving on from the males, we stumble onto our women’s collection of outfits. First up is the Adult Supergirl Costume selection. Like our Superman Costume selection, we display our two favorite costumes and there is all a link for you to view all the Supergirl outfits. On the same page as the Supergirl adult costumes, we have listed Supergirl outfits for a child, a toddler, and a newborn. Please be sure to browse this selection and use our “View All” link to make sure you do not miss viewing a single possibility.

Superman Costume Accessories too!

In addition to the great outfits, we also offer a number of different accessories. Some of the favorite accessories we offer include wigs, Clark Kent Costume glasses, and a Superman Ring. If you want to wear one of our Superman Costumes and you do not have the hair to support the outfit, then simply buy one of our wigs! Our vinyl wig will be a perfect substitute for any hair you have or do not have that doesn’t match Superman’s.

Besides a Superman wig, you may choose to get a pair of Clark Kent Glasses. Perhaps you want to wear a suite and a tie to a party with the Clark Kent Glasses on and then rip off your clothes and become Superman right in front of the party’s eyes by wearing your Superman Costume underneath! Another great accessory to consider is a Superman Ring. The ring goes perfect with any costume and even lights up with the push of a button. You can check out all of the Superman Accessories by Clicking Here.

What Super Powers Do You Get With Your Superman Costume?

We are glad you asked! Everyone knows that Superman house powers, but what exactly are all of his powers? Superman is a special person and possesses unfathomable strength and super abilities that no human can dream of having. When you don your Superman Costume you will possess all of his abilities and you need to let all your friends know you do too! Here’s a small list of Superman’s abilities:

Flight – Superman can fly and when you wear his costume you can imagine you will too!
Superhuman Strength – Superman has the ability to carry a car, stop a moving train, or even move a planet. You too can possess this strength.
Heat Vision – Wearing a Superman Costume will allow you to shoot fire from your eyes.
X-Ray Vision – You will also garner the ability to see through sold objects and to X-Ray people.

These are just a few of Superman’s incredible abilities. If you would like to read the full list of Superman’s super powers you can do so by Clicking Here.

Superman Origins and His Place in History

Superman’s origins arise in comics, but have transformed pop culture and history as his aura has grown throughout time. He has been seen in comics, TV, Movies and much more. He has tons of action figures, video games, board games, puzzles, etc. There are Superman bedspreads, pillows, pictures, and more. There is nothing Superman that hasn’t been done in some shape or form. That is why everyone wants to wear a Superman Costume. His popularity is unmatched and surely will not decrease in any month, year, or decade in the near future.

So yes, Superman is huge, but what is his story? Where did he come from? What is his story? Why does he have super powers? Why doesn’t he use his super powers to take advantage of people? He could have anything he ever wanted. These are the questions you need to know the answers to so you can appropriately take over Superman’s persona when you put on this Superman costume for the big Halloween bash or costume party. You want to know the complete Superman story before you wear his outfit. Thankfully we have compiled a page of great information for you to do your Superman studying. To learn more information about Superman Origins and History and his place in American and Global History please Click Here.

More Information About the My Superman Costume Site

We have compiled an about page that answers many commonly asked questions about our site or any site in general. We have done this so you will feel more confident about shopping at our site for your top of the line Superman Costume. We also discuss the reasons we decided to make this site and discuss our general love for all things Superman. You can go to our about page by Clicking Here and please happy shopping for your Superman Costume.