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Superman's Powers | Superman Costume
Superman’s powers and abilities were largely displayed by DC comics in the benefit of the Earth and the Human Race. Superman was one of the most popular fictional superheroes, who went on to become a rage among children as well as adults. This fictional superhero gained huge appreciation and recognition, which was followed by the movie and TV adaption of this hit series. The character was created in 1932 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, who later sold the rights to DC comics. This superhero used his powers to save the human race and fight evil.
Ever since the introduction of the character of Superman through DC comics, there has been a considerable rise in the power level of this fictional hero. This reached an extent where the writers of this comic series were finding it difficult to create challenges which can match the power of Superman. When the reins of this popular comic series were given to writer John Byrne, the powers of the superhero were decreased. However, later on, other writers again tried to raise the power of Superman, but he still happened to remain weaker than his earlier versions.
The character of Superman has successfully spanned over 70 years with an increase or decrease in his power levels at some point or the other. The intensity of his powers along with his abilities were increased and given a combinational twist to display the role of this famous superhero, as over and above human beings. Here we discuss about the different types of powers possessed by this superhero during his entire fictional life.
Extraordinary Superman’s Powers:
Flight: This is one of the essential Superman’s powers that provide him the ability to fly in thin air and anywhere in the universe. He has the power to defy gravity and jump to any distance as per his will. He can leap over tall buildings and can float in thin air. The power of flight allows him to travel as per his will and wish.
Invulnerability: One of the crucial powers of Superman provides him immunity against any form of human sickness, harm or disease. It even includes high temperatures and sub-zero climates. He has the invulnerability towards extreme force, which is the reason why he can survive even a nuclear explosion. The explanation for his strong immunity for anything and almost everything is that the cells of Kryptonians are made of denser molecular structure that emits constant solar energy.
X-Ray Vision: Superman’s powers also included this amazing capacity to see through objects, except through lead. In the later comic stories, he used his inability to see through lead and uses it to identify them very easily.
Heat Vision: The eyes of Superman have the ability to emit solar energy which usually resembles laser rays. He uses his heat vision with extreme accuracy and precision on his targets. The range of his heat vision can vary from few feet to hundreds of feet, and can be opaque or bright, depending on the intensity of the beam. His heat vision can pulverize solid rocks and even steel planks and plates.
Eidetic Memory: One of the amazing powers of Superman lies in his ability to recall almost anything which he has ever read, seen or even heard of.
Molecular Control: Superman has the power to interact with larger bodies and destroy them without allowing them to fall apart. He can tear away huge buildings from their root by holding them on the key points which don’t allow them to fall apart.
Signature Superman’s Powers:
Superhuman Strength: This is one of the signature powers of Superman, which makes him stronger than a thousand humans. Though it is depicted that he cannot lift anything of infinite weight, he is still able to lift objects of unimaginable weight, can bend even the strongest and thickest metals and can even displace mountains with his bare hands.
Superhuman Hearing: No sound can stay hidden from the ears of Superman. This superhero has super hearing ability which makes it easy for him to hear sounds of different frequencies. He can screen out the sounds and categorize them, irrespective of his current environment. He can sort out the voice of a person or even a heartbeat from a noisy area. He uses this super hearing power to locate people in distress all over the city.
Superhuman Breath: This is one of the powerful Superman’s powers which allows him to inhale as well as exhale large volumes of air. He can move heavy vehicles and even extinguish fires through his super breath. He can hold his breath for longer durations in environments which are air free.
Superhuman Vision: Through his superhuman vision, Superman can scale his vision over huge distances with accuracy as well as precision. He can catch electromagnetic frequencies like the infrared light, radio transmission and even bioelectric aura. He can zoom in on any object which is hundreds of miles away through his telescopic vision to get clear picture. He can even see miniature objects in their molecular level through his microscopic vision.
Superhuman Speed: Superman has the superhuman speed power which allows him to run, walk, fly and react in time less than even an eye blink. He is faster than the speed of a bullet and can outrun even the fastest trains. In his initial editions of 1960’s, his top speed was depicted from hundred miles per hour to that of the speed of light.
Superhuman Olfaction: Superman’s powers also include olfaction which is the reason for his accurate sense of smell. He can smell anything in spite of being miles away.
Superman’s powers have always helped him come out of any difficult situation and solve it with accuracy. His superhuman powers were modified in various versions of the comic series. The golden as well as silver era of Superman comics witnessed many power transformations, which fetched this superhero fame and recognition. The powers of Superman allow him to fight the evil and save the Earth.