
  • Marvel Megasite

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    29 Apr : 04:01

    Mister Fantastic will do it when he gets time. But only Jean will be interactive.

    Green Goblin

    28 Apr : 16:19

    It’s virtually good!


    28 Apr : 09:19

    I’ve got their A.I. databases configured, now we just need to link them to it.


    28 Apr : 05:08

    Can the virtual girls talk to us yet ?


    28 Apr : 01:08

    oh yes it is……nice!

    Shoutbox Archive
  • Marvel Megasite

    You must login to post a message.


    29 Apr : 04:01

    Mister Fantastic will do it when he gets time. But only Jean will be interactive.

    Green Goblin

    28 Apr : 16:19

    It’s virtually good!


    28 Apr : 09:19

    I’ve got their A.I. databases configured, now we just need to link them to it.


    28 Apr : 05:08

    Can the virtual girls talk to us yet ?


    28 Apr : 01:08

    oh yes it is……nice!

    Shoutbox Archive
  • Marvel Megasite

    You must login to post a message.


    29 Apr : 04:01

    Mister Fantastic will do it when he gets time. But only Jean will be interactive.

    Green Goblin

    28 Apr : 16:19

    It’s virtually good!


    28 Apr : 09:19

    I’ve got their A.I. databases configured, now we just need to link them to it.


    28 Apr : 05:08

    Can the virtual girls talk to us yet ?


    28 Apr : 01:08

    oh yes it is……nice!

    Shoutbox Archive
  • Marvel Megasite

    You must login to post a message.


    29 Apr : 04:01

    Mister Fantastic will do it when he gets time. But only Jean will be interactive.

    Green Goblin

    28 Apr : 16:19

    It’s virtually good!


    28 Apr : 09:19

    I’ve got their A.I. databases configured, now we just need to link them to it.


    28 Apr : 05:08

    Can the virtual girls talk to us yet ?


    28 Apr : 01:08

    oh yes it is……nice!

    Shoutbox Archive
  • Marvel Megasite


    Posted by kgcarini on April 22 2005 – 00:57:38

    Taken from Newsarama Marvel Comics already has a successful high-end Masterworks program and an affordable phonebook Essentials program for fans of their classic early stories. But now readers on a real tight budget can get in on the action too.

    In July Marvel is offering………

    Extended News six new dollar digests to the direct market with a suggesting retail price of $1.00. These b&w, newsprint 4-7/8 x 6-9/16 are not Marvel’s standard digest format. Each volume is 64 pages and according to the publisher contains approximately three classic Marvel Comics stories, some perhaps abridged to fit the format. Offered to retailers as a “Previews Plus” item, the special digests all go on sale July 6th and are as follows SPIDER-MAN: AMAZING FANTASY DOLLAR DIGEST Collects AMAZING FANTASY #15, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1, #2 FANTASTIC FOUR: FIRST FAMILY DOLLAR DIGEST Collects FANTASTIC FOUR #1-#3 AVENGERS: ASSEMBLE DOLLAR DIGEST Collects AVENGERS #1-#3 SPIDER-MAN: DOCTOR OCTOPUS DOLLAR DIGEST Collects AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #3,#4,#5 HULK: HULK SMASH DOLLAR DIGEST Collects HULK #1-#3 X-MEN: CHILDREN OF THE ATOM Collects X-MEN #1-#3

  • Marvel Megasite


    Posted by kgcarini on April 22 2005 – 00:52:17

    Taken from Newsarama

    In a day shaping up to be a busy Marvel news day, in response to the absense of a solicitation of a new issue in Marvel’s July offerings, writer John Layman announced………..

    Extended News on his blog that his ongoing Gambit series has been cancelled with June’s issue #12. Wrote Layman: “Well, I’ve told a few people already, and some others have figured it out since there is no Gambit #13 solicitations in the current batch of solicits, so I should probably break the news here. Gambit #12 will be the last issue of the series. It’s been a fun run, and when I took it, I was only ‘guaranteed’ six issues, so I’ve got absolutely no reason to complain. The creative team was great to work with, in particularly the editorial staff, and X-editor Mike Marts is threatening to give me more work, so it looks like a happy ending for your humble narrator. The sales simply were not there, and if you follow the month-to-month tracking of sales on Pulse, Gambit’s cancellation should come as no surprise. That being said, the last three issues are written, and I’m hoping those of you who support the book don’t disappear in droves. Next issue, with Gambit breaking into the X-Mansion to steal his sex tape before Rogue finds it, is, I think, my favorite issue so far. And if you have been supporting the book, you have my thanks.” Layman went on to say that it wasn’t all bad news and that he also has a new OGN that was recently approved at Oni.

  • Marvel Megasite


    Posted by kgcarini on April 22 2005 – 00:48:11

    Taken from Newarama

    At his messageboard, Brian Bendis has clarified the schedule of New Avengers, which has seen issues #4 and #5 slide from their originally scheduled dates, with Steve McNiven coming on board as the penciller starting with issue #7. Bendis posted, “It is not a permanent thing. one of the reasons Steve McNiven is already at work on the second arc is so David Finch can………… Extended News go right from issue #6 to issue #10. ”So yes, we are dragging a little bit now but its all about bringing you the highest quality. these scripts are a bitch to draw. lots of characters in each panel. but with Mcniven’s fill ins we will be back on a normal schedule very, very soon.” Bendis also added that the alternate covers for Steve McNiven’s arc (#7-#9) which focuses on The Sentry will be by Dave Cockrum (#7), John Romita Sr. (#8 – a wedding cover at character creator Paul Jenkins’ request), and Marie Severin (#9). As Bendis posted, “If you do not know these names, please go find out who they are. They are true greats. ”These special alt covers are not New Avengers covers, but ‘Startling Stories’ covers on New Avengers – that is the comic the Sentry appeared in that no one can find. I do not know what the ordering plan is. if you don’t like alt covers, don’t buy them.” Continuing the Silver Age theme of the arc, issue #7 will contain a sequence by Sal Buscema, which Bendis said will be his last retro segment ever. Bendis also added that the long-delayed Wha Huh?!? will ship in July. Additionally, the videogame Bendis has been working on for the past year and a half will be announced shortly, and will be featured on the cover of Playstation Magazine that ships the same week as E3 in May. Finally, as to Brian K. Vaughan’s tease about an Ultimate project: “I know BKV has been hinting at some Ultimate project that I and Mark Millar are involved in. it is not as reported elsewhere a handbook or guide. All I will say for now is that BKV is a very generous bastard! And I like Mark Brooks.”

  • Marvel Megasite


    Posted by kgcarini on April 22 2005 – 00:32:05

    Taken from Newsarama Press Release Marvel Comics is thrilled to announce that amazing artist Manuel Garcia has accepted an exclusive contract with the House of Ideas. Garcia first worked for Marvel on the DAREDEVIL film adaptation. From there it was an issue of AVENGERS, a short stint on THUNDERBOLTS and then on to wowing ‘em as regular penciller on MYSTIQUE, the X-title chronicling the adventures of that mutant bad girl. His latest project is SPIDER-MAN: BREAKOUT, with writer Tony Bedard. This new Spidey miniseries, beginning in April, is sure to excite fans of the red-hot NEW AVENGERS title — as BREAKOUT spins directly out of the pages of NEW AVENGERS.

    “Its like a dream come true,” says Garcia. “I’m doing what I have been dreaming to do all my life…and as a creator it’s very important to know that these guys at Marvel trust your work. On the other hand this………

    Extended News comes in a very special moment in my personal life, so I’m really pleased with this chance!” Garcia, a native of Spain, was once very close to missing out on a career in comics. “I was in an art school when I was younger and then wasted six or seven years on university (thinking that architecture was my future, obviously I was wrong) before I saw that my life was in the comic field.” His first professional work was a Conan pin-up for a Spanish edition of the barbarian’s adventures. “Then Robin #92 for the American market,” he reminisces. “But my first highlight was my issue of the AVENGERS.” Garcia brings with him a solid work ethic, one that doesn’t allow him to pick a past project of his that he’s most proud of. “Always the one I’m doing,” he comments. “I think every page done has got all the best from the previous work and gets rid of all the mistakes that were made in those works…obviously this is the philosophy when I begin every page.” “I try to do my best all the time…but I think the best is yet to come…” Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada is absolutely a Garcia fan. “Just look at Manuel’s pages and there ain’t a doubt that he’s putting 200% into everything he does! Asking him to spend some time with ol’ Marvel is one of the smartest things we could do…and it also makes me have to brush up on my Spanish!” When the inevitable question of near-future Marvel projects is put to him, Garcia is a pro at keeping things close to the vest yet at the same time giving a tantalizing hint: “Well, there will be FANTASTIC things just around the corner, but I would get killed if I said them so…stay tuned!” As always, please drop in at Marvel.Com for all the latest news on some of the greatest comics and characters in the world.

  • Marvel Megasite

    Man-Thing comes to SciFi.

    Posted by Connell on April 21 2005 – 06:06:42

    On April 30, 2005 Marvel Comics’ very own ‘marsh monster’, the Man-Thing will make his television debut in a SciFi channel original picture. ‘Agents of an oil tycoon vanish while exploring a swamp marked for drilling. The local sheriff investigates and faces a Seminole legend come to life;


    a shambling swamp-monster who’s touch burns those who feel fear.’

    Jack Thompson

    (Star Wars: Episode II–Attack of the clones, stars. Saturday April 30, 9:00 PM ET/PT.

  • Marvel Megasite

    Ultimate Marvel Megasite is coming!

    Posted by Connell on April 21 2005 – 03:02:52

    The Time is Soon!