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Marvel Megasite
Marvel Megasite | Marvel Comics Forum Categories | Other Marvel Heroes/Misc. Author Which Marvel Comics do you read or collect? Captain Marvel Member
Posts: 21
New York, NY
I thought it might be interesting to hear from the membership which Marvel titles you are reading each month. I myself read,
Uncanny X-Men, Astonishing X-Men, X-Men, New Avengers, New Invaders, Hulk, Captain America, Captain America and the Falcon, Fantastic Four and the complete Ultimate line.
Author RE: Which Marvel Comics do you read or collect? Jean Grey Member
Posts: 26
Holly Springs, Mississippi
New Avengers Fantastic Four Amazing Spider-Man Ultimate Spider-Man and both of Cap’s titles.
Author RE: Which Marvel Comics do you read or collect? Remy Lebeau Administrator
Posts: 37
I try to catch Uncanny X-men and X-men when I can. I keep up mostly with them for bishop and gambit. its not marvel but i mostly read the Star Wars comics, republic and all of the clone wars stuff.
Supreme Power New Avengers Astonishing X-Men Ultimate X-Men Uncanny X-Men Alpha Flight Ultimate Fantastic Four.
Fantastic Four Marvel Knights 4 Marvel Knights Dracula (when it starts) Amazing Spider-Man Ironman She Hulk All of the X-Men books.
Amazing Spider-man MK Spider-man New Avengers Secret War plus whatever looks good each month.
Rogue Administrator
Posts: 137
Caldecott Co., Mississippi
Ok here is my monstrous-list. All things Ultimate!! X-Men Astonishing X-Men
Uncanny X-Men (I may have to drop this soon if it doesn’t get better though
I’ve already dumped Excalibur)
New X-Men: X Academy Exiles NYX Rogue Gambit Nightcrawler X-23 Phoenix: Endsong X4 Dr. Strange Black Panther New Avengers Marvel Team-Up The Pulse Secret War I get too much! Need to drop a few.
Edited by Rogue on 23-02-05 22:35
Marvel Girl wrote:
Join the club Rogue, thats why I ditched my DC Comics titles.…you traitor.
Superman wrote:
[quote]Marvel Girl wrote:
Join the club Rogue, thats why I ditched my DC Comics titles.…you traitor.[/quote]
*Checks name of site* And what are YOU doing here Distinguished Competition boy?
Superman wrote:
She just said it like “Oh, I ditched my DC titles” as if it’s the fat kid that always tries to join your group of friends whenever you hang out.You sound Familiar…
Superman wrote:
She just said it like “Oh, I ditched my DC titles” as if it’s the fat kid that always tries to join your group of friends whenever you hang out.That’s rather offensive to fat kids!
You were mean to fat kids? What, did they steal your food?
Green Goblin wrote:
She just said it like “Oh, I ditched my DC titles” as if it’s the fat kid that always tries to join your group of friends whenever you hang out.That’s rather offensive to fat kids!
You were mean to fat kids? What, did they steal your food? [/quote]
No, they like to say stupid stuff, like “OMG GREEDO SHOOTS FIRST U DUMMY”.
Ultimates 2 Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Fantastic Four Ultimate X-Men Marvel Knights Spider-Man Marvel Knights 4 Wolverine New Avengers New Thunderbolts She-Hulk Captain America Pulse Spectacular Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man Spider-Girl Young Avengers Astonishing X-Men Fantastic Four Supreme Power I think thats it….
Top Ten Favorite Ongoing Titiles (updated 3/26) 1. New Avengers 2. Supreme Power 3. Marvel Knights Spider-Man 4. Ultimates 5. Astonishing X-Men 6. Ultimate Spider-Man 7. Captain America 8. Amazing Spider-Man 9. Fantastic Four 10. Runaways
Edited by kgcarini on 26-02-05 03:57
Ultimate: Spider-Man, Ultimate: X-Men, The Ultimates and thats it for my Marvel list. I’m not crazy, I’m just a little
For a kid on a 40 dollar monthly budget: X-Men Atonishing X-Men Uncanny X-Men Ultimate X-Men Excalibur Exiles Nightcrawler New Avengers X4 Phoenix: Endsong X-Force Mystique (I think) Cable/Deadpool (Starting with Enema of the State) Thats not really that much…Maybe its books like Uncanny, Excalibur, and X4 that make me feel like I’m wasting my money…Man those books suck but I can’t give up my Marvel!
Okay, I need to update my list since She-Hulk was cancelled and I am going to treat Spectacular Spider-Man as if it was cancalled seeing that the last issue comes out in April. Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Fantastic Four Ultimates Ultimate X-Men Marvel Knights Spider-Man Marvel Knights 4 Wolverine Supreme Power Spider-Girl Young Avengers New Avengers New Thunderbolts Amazing Spider-Man Pulse Captain America Fantastic Four Runaways Astonishing X-Men Top Ten Favorite Ongoing Titiles (updated 3/26) 1. New Avengers 2. Supreme Power 3. Marvel Knights Spider-Man 4. Ultimates 5. Astonishing X-Men 6. Ultimate Spider-Man 7. Captain America 8. Amazing Spider-Man 9. Fantastic Four
10. Runaways
Marvel Megasite
Marvel Megasite | Marvel Comics Forum Categories | X-Men Author Who’s your favroite X-Female? Cannonball Member
Posts: 21
Cumberland, Kentucky
I know I’ve done one favorites already but I was looking around for pictures of Siryn (Which are unnaturally hard to find) and remembered how much she’s my favorite X-Female. Probably partially due to the fact that everytime I RP Cannonball he ends up in a relationship with her. But still, she’s an awesome character and Marvel did wrong by throwing her into Limbo like they did. Author RE: Who’s your favroite X-Female? Rogue Administrator
Posts: 137
Caldecott Co., Mississippi
Rogue is of course. But I also like Storm, Jean, and Wolfsbane a lot. And Mystique is my favorite X-Villain.
Author RE: Who’s your favroite X-Female? EleKtra Member
Posts: 12
ROGUE! Is definitely my favorite fem on the x-men team. However, I also think MYSTIQUE is a bad ass!
Does it HAVE to be X-related? Darn. I’d have to say Blink. X-23 is starting to get up there, but I think it’s because of how she blatantly skips around in lingerie in NYX. =D Rachel (Marvel Girl) Summers Is it cold in here?
Jean Grey/Rachel Summers thats one hot mother/daughter combo. Imperius Rex! Jean Grey/Phoenix and Psylocke
The original Psylocke or after she switched bodies with Revanche? Imperius Rex! Both of them, I love the character, she was pretty powerful and definately underplayed..the more i think about it i am glad she is back
psylocke is still better
Wolverine’s a female? Marvel Megasite
on April 28 2005 – 16:19:53
It’s virtually good!
on April 28 2005 – 09:19:16
I’ve got their A.I. databases configured, now we just need to link them to it.
on April 28 2005 – 05:08:46
Can the virtual girls talk to us yet
on April 28 2005 – 03:42:42
Come on folks, register now. It’s free
on April 28 2005 – 01:08:30
oh yes it is……nice!
on April 28 2005 – 01:07:05
Is this virtual Sue Storm!?!
on April 27 2005 – 17:22:46
Download & listen to samples from the FF soundtrack in our multimedia section.
on April 27 2005 – 17:13:18
See the Fantastic Four movie trailers in our multimedia section.
on April 27 2005 – 13:16:20
Bet you guys didn’t know I was in the Army huh? Amsterdam was awesome!
on April 26 2005 – 19:27:12
Marvel Rocks! New comics come out today!
on April 26 2005 – 01:56:16
Yep, remember our weekly Marvel Chat Session is held every Monday night @ 9:00 PM (EST).
on April 26 2005 – 00:50:28
Is there a chat tonight @ 9 EST?
on April 25 2005 – 16:36:18
Yeh, hehe, who knew Magneto was king of Spain.
on April 25 2005 – 15:32:00
Great! House of M isn’t even out yet, and already it’s causing international tensions. Top that DC! LOL
on April 24 2005 – 07:34:44
Yes! Welcome Wally West! Shame what happened to the Beetle.
on April 24 2005 – 03:13:54
Yeh looks like a major influx of DC fanboys and girls.
on April 23 2005 – 16:21:56
Scarlet Speedster? Flash on a Marvel site? Looks like we’re gettin people to crossover?
on April 23 2005 – 02:52:25
scientist?!…….say wha?!
on April 22 2005 – 04:19:29
I have a feeling this site is about to take off over the next few weeks. A certain scientist told me, but I can’t say. Man I’m psyched about this site!
on April 22 2005 – 04:14:39
I like her.
Marvel Megasite
Marvel Megasite | Marvel Comics Forum Categories | Avengers Author New Avengers on fire! Doctor Doom Member
Posts: 28
Castle Doom Doomstadt, Latveria
Who out there has read this yet? This is the hottest new comic out there today! I love the fact than heroes you wouldn’t necessarily think of as Avengers have joined up. I predict this will be THE book for 2005! Author RE: New Avengers on fire! Jenny T Member
Posts: 1
If the Sentry is as powerful as we think he is, which is pretty much up there with the Silver Surfer, we might see the Avengers make a return to fighting some of the cosmic villains that haven’t been around in a while. I’d love to see them drawn by Dell’Otto who’s doing the Secret Wars right now. Jen
Author RE: New Avengers on fire! Captain Marvel Member
Posts: 21
New York, NY
I’ve been an avid Sentry fan since the original mini-series in 2000, and I was jumping up and down when I heard he was in New Avengers. I’ve read Young Avengers #1, and it’s rather…bleh. It’s basically Marvel’s answer to Teen Titans, due to the success of the new Titans title. Hulkling looks like a bulked-up chick, with the earrings and hair, but I think it’s supposed to be a guy. I’ll just call it an “it” until the gender’s confirmed. Then we’ve got a pseudo-Bucky, a lanky Thor, and an “Iron Lad” with skin-tight armor. It’s just not good. I have my ways. Hyperion wrote:
I love New Avengers! I’m looking forward to their first encounter with the Squadron Supreme. A battle between Hyperion and the Sentry would be epic in scope.Marvel’s Superman vs. Marvel’s Superman. Nice.
Rogue Administrator
Posts: 137
Caldecott Co., Mississippi
And then Galactus comes and steps on the winner.
Marvel Megasite
Marvel Megasite | Marvel Comics Forum Categories | X-Men Author Least Favorite X-Man Captain America Member
Posts: 106
Mine would have to be Gambit. He’s from a dark time in comics when it was style over substance. He has no depth, and the character just flat out annoys me. Edited by Captain America on 30-01-05 21:04
Author RE: Least favorite X-Man Jean Grey Member
Posts: 26
Holly Springs, Mississippi
The original Thunderbird, he was too much like a junior league Wolverine. Which I think is why they killed him off so quickly. Author RE: Least favorite X-Man Cyclops Member
Posts: 27
Chillicothe, Ohio
Gambit?!? who said Gambit?!? style over substance? Remy is one of the most in depth characters of the X-men, his background is way more indept than… Bobby drake’s or even Rogue’s for that matter. Anyway, my least favorite is/are the x-babies… could we get alittle more cheesy?
Crayon Pirate wrote:
Gambit?!? who said Gambit?!? style over substance? Remy is one of the most in depth characters of the X-men, his background is way more indept than… Bobby drake’s or even Rogue’s for that matter.?You keep telling yourself that, buddy.
Pretty much, yeah. The character’s an annoyance. Overhyped and overrated, like Wolverine. I’m a fan of obscure characters, and there are plenty of obscure characters who are well thought out and deserve their time in the spotlight. One such charatcer is the Sentry. I’m hoping that his spotlight will help bring out more obscure heroes. For me it was Calvin Rankin, the Mimic what a piece of work he was. Wasn’t even a mutant, he got his powers as the result of a scientific experiment. Then thought he could just show up and take over as team leader. What a guy! Is it cold in here?
Rogue Administrator
Posts: 137
Caldecott Co., Mississippi
Least favorite X-Man? huh? I like them all! If I HAVE to choose I’ll pick Sage. Now there is a boring character.
Iceman wrote:
For me it was Calvin Rankin, the Mimic what a piece of work he was. Wasn’t even a mutant, he got his powers as the result of a scientific experiment. Then thought he could just show up and take over as team leader. What a guy!He was meant to be a prick, that’s what was so fun about him. Recently they’ve been exploring that the lab accident might of unleashed his mutant powers and that he actually is a mutant, but eh.
How is gambit over hyped? i dont know if youve noticed but he didnt even make it into the movies. he doesnt get much time in the spot light and only recently because of rogues popularity and he happens to be her love. i think your just jealous cause he is cooler than sentry. i think your one of those people who hate every thing popular. well ive learned that there are quite a few over rated things that become popular because of media hype but some things are popular because they are good. Gambit has a well thought out and executed character (asside from the new on going series) and i believe his popularity i due to that. you cant explain it through media hype or anything else because he’s not in the media, you dont see him on the normal pictures of the group of x-men, he wasnt in the movie, he isnt in more than one or two x-titles at a time, and you dont see him on lunch boxes. sorry, he is just a good character and it shows. if you can explain how his is over hyped and overrated other than slapping the big words down, id love to hear it. Gambit compared to wolverine? i dont see it. wolverine is in every x-title, in ever x-men picture from school folders and lunchboxes to anything with the x symbol on it while gambit, had it not been for the 2 or 3 refferences in the cartoon and new ultimate series, would not even be a widely known character. i role played gambit on star wars galaxies for over a year and 90% of the people didnt even know who that was. so tell me again how his is overrated and overhyped? Edited by Remy Lebeau on 02-02-05 19:31
Callisto… i think she is one of my least faves now. she use to be cool but what is up with the squid arms… i know theyve been wanting to do more freak type mutants but dont change an old one to a freak. poor bobby drake is really getting the raw end of that trend lately. if his life wasnt pathetic enough with the doctor shooting him down and then hitting on polaris, now he is solid ice 24/7. i liked him better when he was quirky and happy. now he is a drama queen.
The Sentry wrote:
I’m a fan of obscure characters, and there are plenty of obscure characters who are well thought out and deserve their time in the spotlight.and in your eyes this statement doesnt even make sense. Gambit was an obscure character until he got his chance in the spotlight, now you hate him for it. how does that work? sounds alittle hypocritical. Its as if you like a character until he gets that chance in the spot light, then once other people see he is a good character well thats the end of him.
its like the hard core punk fans who love a certain punk band until they get popular. as if popularity is a crime.
Remy Lebeau wrote:
[quote]The Sentry wrote:
I’m a fan of obscure characters, and there are plenty of obscure characters who are well thought out and deserve their time in the spotlight.and in your eyes this statement doesnt even make sense. Gambit was an obscure character until he got his chance in the spotlight, now you hate him for it. how does that work? sounds alittle hypocritical. Its as if you like a character until he gets that chance in the spot light, then once other people see he is a good character well thats the end of him. its like the hard core punk fans who love a certain punk band until they get popular. as if popularity is a crime.[/quote] He was never an obscure character. He was always in the open.
wow… im glad you had that response well thought out… how was he in the open? his relationship with sinister was a hidden past, and alot of mystery still surrounds his past. if you mean he was always popular thats hard to be true. should that response even be excepted as true, you didnt explain it, nor did you comment on the “over rated and over hyped” statement… I dub thee the king of one line responses that explain nothing.
Maybe I just have a natural dislike for the character, like your’s for Callisto. The accent, the eyes, the smoking a carton a day…bleh. Marvel Megasite
Forum Threads Posts Last Post Welcome to the Marvel Megasite General Chat Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell
9 29 24-04-05 02:22 by Connell
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1 3 09-04-05 05:07 by Connell
Marvel Questions & Answers Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell
1 5 18-03-05 21:11 by Trevor Cates
This Week’s Releases Diamond’s Marvel list of what’s out this week.
Moderated by Mister Fantastic, Remy Lebeau, Connell, Rogue, Patriot, kgcarini4 18 27-04-05 20:37 by Connell
Marvel Comics Forum Categories Marvel Knights Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell
3 34 26-04-05 21:38 by Zero
Marvel Max Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell
3 30 26-04-05 19:04 by kgcarini
Ultimate Marvel Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell
1 19 26-04-05 14:39 by kgcarini
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3 34 26-04-05 04:04 by jade
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7 69 26-04-05 18:13 by fan4life
Fantastic Four Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell
3 34 27-04-05 00:50 by kgcarini
Captain America Moderated by Patriot, Rogue, Mister Fantastic, Connell
2 16 26-04-05 18:49 by Super Soldier
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3 23 22-04-05 01:19 by kgcarini
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1 8 24-04-05 02:07 by The Watcher
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5 81 27-04-05 18:48 by Connell
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6 76 28-04-05 00:13 by Professor X
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1 4 11-04-05 17:21 by Connell
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Marvel Megasite
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27 Apr : 17:22
Download & listen to samples from the FF soundtrack in our multimedia section.
27 Apr : 17:13
See the Fantastic Four movie trailers in our multimedia section.
Marvel Legend
27 Apr : 13:16
Bet you guys didn’t know I was in the Army huh? Amsterdam was awesome!
26 Apr : 19:27
Marvel Rocks! New comics come out today!
26 Apr : 01:56
Yep, remember our weekly Marvel Chat Session is held every Monday night @ 9:00 PM (EST).
Shoutbox Archive
Marvel Megasite
Marvel Megasite | Welcome to the Marvel Megasite | General Chat Author Marvel Megasite’s online commercial Marvel Zombie Member
Posts: 8
Chicago, IL
Hey, I got the commercial you guys sent out. Looked great! I’m very excited about all of the upgrades you’ve been making, outstanding work one and all! As Stan & Mr. Connell like to say: Excelsior! Author RE: Marvel Megasite’s online commercial The Watcher Member
Posts: 7
yes, that’s how I discovered the site as well. Good job guys. Author RE: Marvel Megasite’s online commercial Connell Administrator
Posts: 114
Tallahassee, Florida
Thanks guys, we appreciate it………….oh yeah, Excelsior
Marvel Megasite
Marvel Megasite | Marvel Comics Forum Categories | Fantastic Four Author RE: Irony/Fav FF Story Captain Marvel Member
Posts: 21
New York, NY
Aside from the classic Lee/Kirby era, I think John Byrne’s run was my favorite. Author RE: Irony/Fav FF Story Connell Administrator
Posts: 114
Tallahassee, Florida
I like some of those old stories done in the mid 70’s when Medusa filled in for Sue, and Johnny had the red and yellow costume. And who could forget when Ben was cured and had to wear a Thing suit to fight! Priceless. Author RE: Irony/Fav FF Story Jean Grey Member
Posts: 26
Holly Springs, Mississippi
CURSE YOU RICHARDS!!! The World….Is Mine!
Ah so it has come to this eh Richards? Hiding away in your tower while some common street brawler does your fighting for you, Typical. I would mind my betters if I were you street thug. This is no mere purse snatcher you address but rather the lord and monarch of Latveria! And soon to be master of this world! Soon you and all those like you will be trampled beneath the armored heel of DOOM! The World….Is Mine!
Um….ok, I was just going to say that I really liked the Trial of Galactus storyline that appeared during John Byrne’s run. Is it cold in here? Bah! The wedding issue, that was not one of my finer moments nor better plans! The World….Is Mine!
My favorite issue was good old FF #4 The Sub-Mariner returns! Imperius Rex! Rogue Administrator
Posts: 135
Caldecott Co., Mississippi
I loved in that issue how Johnny used his flame to shave off Namor’s beard.
Edited by Rogue on 08-02-05 19:31
I cant wait for that issue to get in, I loved how Alex Ross drew the wedding, now im anxious to see how kirby did as well (i know its good, but still gotta see it)
Marvel Megasite
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