
  • Marvel Megasite

    40 Years of the Amazing Spider-Man

    Posted by Connell on April 20 2005 – 22:40:01

    New in CD Rom format the entire run of the Amazing Spider-Man. This 11 CD set covers every single issue including covers & ads, I highly recommend this collection for Spider-Man fans, it’s superb.

  • Marvel Megasite

    Online since January 2005………………………………………………………………………………………The Time is Now!

    Posted by Connell on April 17 2005 – 00:05:45

    We’ve only been here for a short time, but thanks to all for helping us to grow.

    And just a reminder, our virtual Phoenix is now online. Stop by and say hi to Jean.

  • Marvel Megasite

    Taken from Newsarama Press Release Marvel Comics is thrilled to announce that amazing artist Manuel Garcia has accepted an exclusive contract with the House of Ideas. Garcia first worked for Marvel on the DAREDEVIL film adaptation. From there it was an issue of AVENGERS, a short stint on THUNDERBOLTS and then on to wowing ‘em as regular penciller on MYSTIQUE, the X-title chronicling the adventures of that mutant bad girl. His latest project is SPIDER-MAN: BREAKOUT, with writer Tony Bedard. This new Spidey miniseries, beginning in April, is sure to excite fans of the red-hot NEW AVENGERS title — as BREAKOUT spins directly out of the pages of NEW AVENGERS.

    “Its like a dream come true,” says Garcia. “I’m doing what I have been dreaming to do all my life…and as a creator it’s very important to know that these guys at Marvel trust your work. On the other hand this………

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  • Marvel Megasite

    Taken from Newsarama: by Matt Brady.

    It’s been making the rounds across the internet, and now, reports are beginning to percolate that the Spanish Royal House’s Law Department is studying legal actions to stop Marvel’s publishing of The Pulse: House of M cover by Michael Mayhew “inspired” by a copyrighted photograph of King Juan Carlos’ of Spain.

  • Marvel Megasite

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    29 Apr : 04:01

    Mister Fantastic will do it when he gets time. But only Jean will be interactive.

    Green Goblin

    28 Apr : 16:19

    It’s virtually good!


    28 Apr : 09:19

    I’ve got their A.I. databases configured, now we just need to link them to it.


    28 Apr : 05:08

    Can the virtual girls talk to us yet ?


    28 Apr : 03:42

    Come on folks, register now. It’s free

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  • Marvel Megasite

    We’ve only been here for a short time, but thanks to all for helping us to grow.

    And just a reminder, our virtual Phoenix is now online. Stop by and say hi to Jean.

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  • Marvel Megasite

    Marvel Megasite | Marvel Comics Forum Categories | Ironman
    Author Ironman: regular monthly series
    Ms Marvel


    Posts: 23


    Houston, Texas



    I’ve been really getting into Ironman the last few months. Tony’s becoming United States Secretary of Defense, fighting his sentient armor, the repercussions of the Avengers’ break up and reformation. And now the prospect of stepping down as the head of his company have all been great storylines. Has anyone else been reading this title? And if so what do you think of the direction it’s going in?
    Author RE: Ironman: regular monthly series


    Posts: 123


    Tallahassee, Florida



    I have, I’ve always liked Ironman. But your right Ms. Marvel it is getting better than it’s been in awhile. I hope the current creative team sticks around for the forseeable future.

    Author RE: Ironman: regular monthly series


    Posts: 89


    Staunton, VA



    I just got the Tales of Supense for only a buck at my comic shop. it has the first issues to Captain America #1 and Iron Man #1. I really enjoyed the Iron Man part. I didn’t think i would. It was a good surprise. I know i won’t get the comic monthly; however I will probably pick up the trade paperback when the first arc or two is done. Ellis sure does write a very interesting iron man. i wonder what that stuff was that the person got injected with. He looks like a vampire! The art was great too! Top Ten Favorite Ongoing Titiles (updated 3/26) 1. New Avengers 2. Supreme Power 3. Marvel Knights Spider-Man 4. Ultimates 5. Astonishing X-Men 6. Ultimate Spider-Man 7. Captain America 8. Amazing Spider-Man 9. Fantastic Four

    10. Runaways

    I’m a big Ironman fan so I do suggest picking it up. It’s not the most popular Marvel comic, but it’s a great read.

    Connell attached the following image:

    Not at all, in fact the current story is easy to understand. An old friend of Tony’s was working on a techo-version of the super soldier formula for the government. A higher up gave it to some mercinaries and now it’s up to Iron Man to stop them. A great read!

    Iron Man attached the following image:

    Seems like I’ve seen that particular story before.

  • Marvel Megasite

    Marvel Megasite | Marvel Comics Forum Categories | Marvel Knights
    Author MK Spider-man
    Green Goblin


    Posts: 60


    That damn bridge AGAIN



    SCHNIK! SCHNICK! BUB! SCHNICK! BUB! BUB! “Logan… You idiot!”
    But seriously, is there anybody in the entire world who doesn’t think that Wolverine retracted his claws most of the way when he stabbed Spidey? Lame as hell as a cliffhanger, but an interesting development having Logan and Peter at each others throats, in Cap’s team bonding exercise, no less! I can’t wait to see him try to diffuse this one. In the olden days, Spidey would’ve just quit The Avengers, but now he’s living in Stark Tower he’s sort of hostage to the whole thing. Cleverly done. And he IS living in Stark Tower. I heard the rumours, but wasn’t sure it would really happen. Really cool having him come home from work to find Jarvis and Wolverine hanging about his home. Seems the latest Spider-man writers meeting really paid off, as it’s great to see cross title continuity this strong after the last year’s continuity freefall. The issue’s missing the ‘grittiness’ which Miller brought to the title, but it’s just starting. It’s more like a quick tour of Peter Parker’s new living situation.

    And is that new Bugle reporter a super-villain, or what?

    Author RE: MK Spider-man
    Green Goblin


    Posts: 60


    That damn bridge AGAIN



    DOH! No, he’s THE SENTRY! I can’t believe I missed that…
    I don’t normally reply to my own posts, but a funny thing happened when I reread this issue: I completely hated it! Why? Lotsa reasons. I was initially swept along by the novelty value of Spidey living in Stark Tower and changing jobs, but now that I’m over that, this really is a very bad comic. There are all kinds of lousey things which I somehow missed the first time I read it.
    Has anybody else read it? Talking to oneself in a forum isn’t good.
    Author RE: MK Spider-man


    Posts: 123


    Tallahassee, Florida



    LOL, I’ve read it Goblin and I’m sure our new “quiet” members have as well. Come on guys post your thoughts on Marvel Comics here.

    Connell attached the following image:



    Posts: 137


    Caldecott Co., Mississippi



    I’d love to comment but I am not getting this title. Are there good reasons i should be?
    Hey I agree Ozzie. I think they will have a hell of a time putting differences aside. I smell a can of worms too. You got me wanting to check out the book myself. I have a good informant at a great book store in Concord, Ca. keeps me up on everything without me freeloading and being a book bogard(hate those guys that just read and don’t but anything). Wolive and Jarvis chillin huh? 2 opposites, but who is like Wolvie or Jarvis anyway, Sabretooth and Alfred from Bat Man? Now the big question is why Wolvie’s in the Savage Land in New Avengers? Is he still under Hydra? Pullin’ claws out on Spidey Woman like that. Bad, dog! 1 point of articulation…
    I thought this comic was good. It was a fun issue and that is all it was ment to be. As for Millar’s run…it was very good. I enjoyed but I would not call it epic. It was trying to be epic it have been, but I feel the ending battle was way to rushed and what was the point of Doc Ock. We didn’t even get a good Dr. Octopus/Green Goblin battle since Doc Ock was drooling on himself the whole time. I know the Marvel Knights line is supposed to be gritter but it does not have to be all the time. Right now Amazing feels more gritter than MK. Don’t diss a fun read just because. You (Green Goblin) need to give examples so I can debate you on it.

    Top Ten Favorite Ongoing Titiles (updated 3/26) 1. New Avengers 2. Supreme Power 3. Marvel Knights Spider-Man 4. Ultimates 5. Astonishing X-Men 6. Ultimate Spider-Man 7. Captain America 8. Amazing Spider-Man 9. Fantastic Four

    10. Runaways

    yeah what was up with Doc Ock and Goblin getting struck by lightning or whatever broke them apart? I thought they were gonna do something lame like switch bodies or somethin. Strange. the climax wasn’t ver good so I go with the Sentry on that one. But, still entertaining to see Spidey run the gauntlet again. Now the Avengers saving his ass all of a sudden, boooo! 1 point of articulation…
    kgcarini wrote:
    You (Green Goblin) need to give examples so I can debate you on it.

    This is true, of course. I just wanted to know what others thought… But, one thing which annoyed me was the way The Sentry was portrayed. There’s been a long running joke about him being a Marvel rip-off of Superman and it seems to me that if they are serious about the character, then they should be highlighting the many differences between the two. New Avengers seems to be doing okay with that in Sentry’s (few) appearances. But here we’ve got the whole Superman thing rammed down our throats! What were they thinking? Getting a job as a newspaper reporter? A clumsy reporter from the country? JJJ’s comments about X-ray vision? Next issue’s cover with Spidey in a Superman shirt pulling pose as The Sentry flies by? Last we saw of The Sentry he was being held by SHIELD, and was all unshaven and messed up. This is just embarressing. Also, Peter’s change of job was skated over way to fast. That’s a big deal to him, surely? But it’s all over in a few pages. He doen’t even talk to May or MJ about it. I hate the whole JJJ think’s his son is Spider-man contrivance. I know that it was Millar who introduced it, but I was really hoping someone else would sort that out as soon as possible. Not here… Jonah’s gooning around like fool giving Spidey free press! Just how angry is he going to be when he finds out the truth? Is he going to want his half a million dollars back? If I was Peter I’d be frantic about this, but he doesn’t seem to care. I didn’t see the point of the jailbreak at the beggining. We just had 40+ super villains bust out of The Raft in New Avengers (which this obviously ties into in other ways) so why not just say The Absorbing Man was one of the escapees? Why duplicate it? Apart from that, it was a very lame break out. He was on drugs to stop him from escaping and then suddenly he just broke out! How? All we got by way of an explanation was some vague comment about how no-one really understands super-villains powers. Is it me, or is that just half hearted and lazy?

    There’s more. Lot’s more. But that’s all for now.

    Edited by Green Goblin on 22-04-05 16:13



    Posts: 137


    Caldecott Co., Mississippi



    Just remember imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


    Posts: 7


    Phillidelphia, PA.



    Sentry is not a rip-off of superman if you read his backstory. It’s like saying anyone with a cape,and is strong and invulnerable is a superman rip off. The most blatant rip off is Hyperion which was done on purpose back in the day. Doesn’t matter anymore given they made Hyperion different in exiles like superman on crack and sentry a borderline addict on super serum so they are all different Hulk smash stupid flyboy!!!! AAAARRRHHHH

    hulkownssuperman attached the following image:



    Posts: 6


    Monterey, CA



    I think the problem comes from having Sentry’s secret Id, that of a newspaper reporter. And if you look back a couple of years when the Sentry was “rediscovered” by Marvel, they touted him as Marvel’s Superman. So he was indeed created to be a Marvel version of Superman. This is also true of both Hyperion and Gladiator. But it does work both ways. Batman Beyond featured an episode with a Fantastic Four rip off, and back in the 70’s in DC’s Freedom Fighters they ripped off the Invaders with the Crusaders.

    Zero attached the following image: